Jun 21, 2005 00:12
Well..i just wrote this essay...i had to cause of school, but is my own story...just wanted to know what ya'll think..if ya like it or not...or if you even took the time to read it....let me know :S
"Why'd ya go an do that ma?" I had had a late night last night, an then ma just come into my room and tor open the blinds. " It's near eleven o clock, an you's lucky I let you sleep in that long, there's chors to be done, and they gots your name on 'em, thats if you want to go to the party t'night?" "Ok MA, you win, I get up and get started...' I said in a tone of defeat. "Yous best start with this room, its a pig sty." "Ma, I thinks the pig sty is out back." "Don't you get smart with me mister!" My comments never were appreciated much at home, but then again, they were deemed as rude, being a Southerner and all. I got my room clean an fed the pigs before lunch. Then I had to go gather the eggs from the chicken coop, Ma said we were getting low and wasn't goin to have enough for 'morrow mornin.
When I was out there, Ma calls me back in, says I got a call from Beth. Well, I didn't stand round like a fool, I went an took the call. Maybe I should clarify, Beth was the prettiest girl in school, and the most popular, an how she wound up my girlfrien' I'll never get. I was kinda a quite guy, very calm an relaxed, didn't like to talk in class much, though I was pretty much always was. Beth and i just kinda fell into each other, literally, she slipped and fell into my arms, though at that same moment, my frien' pushed me. Thats how we met, could've been fate, don't believe in that much though. " 'ello? Hey hun, how are you? I'm good, are we still on for t'night? ok well I will pick you up 'round sevenish? hows that soun' ? Ok, see you then, love you." Ma chimes in " everythin' ok Tim?" "Yes'm, just double checkin the plan for t'night, everythin's goin on how we planned it" "Ok dear, well, you best get back to your chors otherwise you won't be goin anywhere 'cept bed." Well, I ain't no fool, an I know she means it too, so I gets back to the chors quick as lightin'.
By five, I done all my chors, an Ma was happy. I was sweatin a lil though, 'cause if Pa didn't get pack in tim' I would be up the creek without a paddle. You see, my family wasn' rich by anysort, though I may'v not had everythin' growin up, I had what I need'd an that was enough for me. 'Course I do reckon I had a couple of extra's, sees, when you live out in the country withou' a lot o money, it ain't always easy to get food. So I became a pretty good hunter, an it were't just with guns neither, I got pretty good with knives as well. I kept my throwin knives with me at all times. Well, Pa need'd the truck to go to work, which I new, but I need'd it to go pick Beth up, an if I was to have any chance to get there by seven I need'd to leave home 'round sixt-thirty at the latest. I figur'd ain't no point worrin' 'bout it, just got to take thin's as they come, so I decided to get ready. I pulled ou' my good blue jeans and my favorit' shirt, any night with Beth was a special night to me. I tells ya, I was head over heels in love with that girl.
Six-twenty was 'proaching, an I was gettin mighty nervous. I hates bein late, I despise it, an aviod it at all costs. Well, right then I hear Pa pull up in the driveway, boy, I was mighty glad. First thin' I do when he come in, I gives him the biggest hug, an told him I need'd to be off, didn't want to be late. Ma an Pa just told me to have a good ole time an be careful an to behave myself. Well, I be careful an all, but I ain't makin no promis's 'bout bein good. I show'd up at Beth's house 'round six-fifty-five, an I muss say, she was just gorgeous, I could't take my eyes off of her if it meant my life. I chatt'd breifly with her parents, but she said we really must be goin, so I said my good-byes, an we was off.
Well, we got there, an course Beth had to go 'round an say "hi" to everyone, I escorted her for the most part, which she really 'preciates, 'cause she knows how much I hates it. After 'bout five minuets of that, I could't take it, so I offer'd to get us a drink, an by time I came back, she had seen pretty much everyone. She kissed me when she saw me and said "thanks for bein so patient hun, your the best" After hearin that, not much a man can say, so I just smiled an kissed her again. I ask'd her if she wanted to take a walk, an watch the sunset? She said " I would like nothin more then that, just long as with you Tim..." "Hun, you can't get rid of me that easy" Well, she just smiled, and we went behind the house and walked. We just sat on the fence an watch'd the sun set down, an I knew I was in heaven, I could't ask for more. "Beth, I love you, an I don't ever want to be without you..." "Well Tim, you won't 'cause I won't ever leave ya. I'm too much in love with ya." I knew she meant it, an she knew I meant it.
Well, me an Beth finish'd high school, an we decided to go to the same school, 'cause no-way I was goin to leave her, or her me. After we had been together for 'bout four years, I proposed, an she accepted without hesitation. I still love her as much as the first time I caught her in my arms. Was it fate? Eh, maybe it's time I'd give fate a lil credit, though I don't give much stock to it. Never the less, I was happier than a coon dog that just made his first catch.