Aug 06, 2005 16:02
Well, what do you know? I actually did get to hang out with Derek last night. I figured we'd get our wires cross and have scheduling mishaps and laziness get in the way and we'd never actually hang out, which is what always happened before. I suppose we've gotten more responsible in our old age, or something. Or maybe I'm less of a lazy bastard. Or maybe the lure of Space Channel Five was strong enough to overcome sheer laziness :P I'd never actually played it before, but I of course knew about it, and had seen it played before, but I always thought it was too damn cheesy and lame for it's own good. Turns out is is exactly the right amount of cheesy and lame for it's own good. The whole game plays out like a gloriously ridiculous Austin Powers opening sequence dance number, complete with random strangers joining in the dance-march. I'm tempted to pick up the second game in the series on the PS2...
Anyway, hopefully we'll get back into the swing of hanging out semi-regularly. Even after all this time, the chemistry is still the same. It's great to have good friends.
More good news: Dad had his big check-up appointment a couple days ago, and it looks like things are good to go to start physical therapy and get him using that leg again. The bones have healed nicely and the nerves have regrown enough to start making those first steps. Dad is, of course, very happy, and we're all pretty relieved over here at casa de Wachter. He's still got a ways to go before he's back to some semblance of normal, but this is, of course, an important step in getting there.
Also, I haven't heard from my Lexis Nexis contact or the bank since Wednesday. It's hard to keep abreast of your jobhunting efforts when people don't maintain correspondence. Makes it hard to figure out what you should do next.