Thank GOD. I hate long-distance driving only slightly less than I hate sitting around in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do. I got so bored I actually played the shitty golf game on my new cell phone. Not that I wanted a new cell phone, but we switched providers (Cingular, now. Same old number, though.), and of course that means getting a new phone wether you want one or not. But I digress...
I got so bored I actually
drew something, which you should all know by know is a massive... umm... thing... that doesn't happen very often. Yea. *cough* Anyway, this puts me twice ahead of Shan in that little pactamajig we sort of formulated
a while back, but in her defense, she did have finals, and she does live in South Africa, and her ISP is kind of ass. We might have to rework our little proposition; perhaps to the tune of "weekly," rather than "bi-daily," (or whatever you call 'every other day'). ONLY THE FUTURE KNOWS!! *GASP!*
Also, I called Alexis when I got down there. Turns out she had to go off somewhere and do some other things, too, so we really didn't lose much face-time. She'll be back sometime tomorrow.