Kharndam Guide: Lluranal

Nov 10, 2008 17:09

Originally published at The Codex Continual. You can comment here or there.


Formerly the breadbasket of Kharndam and the heart of its populations, Lluranal has fallen on harder times the past few centuries. While still a relatively peaceful agrarian society, Lluranal has long been the westernmost province of the Imperam and a much-taxed provider for less-fecund areas of the empire. For more than 30 years, it has also been under the nominal rule of the ogrish tribe Dorrek with the begrudged acceptance of the Imprator. Geography and the tenacity of their defenders keep the Imperam and the ogres from attacking either the Twelvelands to the north or Tsarnus to the west.

Lluranal’s people are still predominantly Kharndamite humans with tanned skin and dark hair. While ogres rule from the few cities with Impral-enforced might, most villages and hamlets retain human control but answer to their overlords. The once-common goblins and rhamathi of the eastern Sharhim Peaks often fall to ogrish hunters encroaching on their mountain territories. Few other races are found in any abundance, though the river town of Summer’s Bend has a surprising number of washay in it, and enslaved kelshay retain a sizable population in Three-Spires. As in all Impramese territories, slaves work the fields and mines, and Lluran slaves are most often kelshay and humans.
  • Official Name: Second Impraltory of the Kharndam Reaches (Imperam);  Principality of Lluranal (Kharndam).
  • Flag/Mark: Blue border, red skull on white field (adapted Tribe Dorrek mark); dark blue border, white field with a black pegasus (former Impral flag); green field with three diagonal blue stripes (original).
  • Geography/Location: The Cairngloom and the River Saroth mark the northern border, and the River Anoal carves the western border through the Nabel Hills and the southern Seamounts. The southern borders with the Impraltory of Xonhoril have sparsely garrisoned watchtors among its fields and the lesser Jholwater. The Sharhim Peaks realistically border Lluranal on the east, though Impramese mappers mark the border on the eastern slopes of those mountains.
  • Territories: The southern Sharhim Peaks are claimed by the Imperam as territory, though they are only patrolled and controlled within one half-day’s march of the two trade roads that pierce the mountains.
  • Racial Divisions: Humans (80%), Ogres (8%), Goblins (5%), Rhamathi (4%), Other races (3%)

(C) 2008 by Steven E. Schend

rhamathi, seamounts, genre-fantasy fiction, ogres, cairngloom, flags, slaves, river saroth, lluranal, goblins, shay, world-kharndam, Summer’s Bend, jholwater, kharndam reaches, sharhim peaks, washay, impraltory, river anoal, guide, three-spires, humans, principality, medium-role-playing games, medium-magazines & pulps, kelshay, nabel hills

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