Dec 02, 2005 18:30
SakabatouJinchuu: i was like so how are u doing with the ladies rick
SakabatouJinchuu: and he was like
SakabatouJinchuu: oh im getting a lot of pussy lately
SakabatouJinchuu: u?
SakabatouJinchuu: and i was like waaaat
SakabatouJinchuu: hahhahahaa
hmmm. schools fun, i like it. its easy right now. next semester = art2 and softball. thatll be crazy. BUT no math class!!! and no more personal project!!!
i wish it was due later but its not like i would work on it more, i would just put it off later. after the 13th its all OVER. well, then we have to make a presentation of them for the judges, and i tried to get desmond to invite college scouts to the showcase. mensa test results soon!
Q: Is there such thing as having a forth or fifth nipple? Do you recommend having cosmetic surgery to obtain a third nipple? Is it cost efficient?
A: To answer your first question, let me print an excerpt from an email I recently received:
"...I have 4 nipples, two (2) on each breast. I have thought of having them removed..."
As you can see, there is such a thing! To answer your second question, the benefits of having a Triple-Nipple are clearly worth any price, so cosmetic surgery is not a bad way to go. The problem is finding a compatible nipple donor. Despite the modern technology and the rapid pace of social growth, there is still an unfulfilled need for a strong and effective nipple donation system. Until that happens, you will probably have to wait.