
Jan 06, 2005 02:07

First best friend: Elizabeth
First car: dont have one
First date: umm i think it was with Aaron, or Jonathan probably Aaron
First real kiss: still none
First break-up: 8th grade
First screen name: blankdani
First self purchased album: lol britney spears?
First funeral: none
First pets: pumpkin (guinea pig) and sarah (dog)
First piercings/tattoos: ears
First true love: none yet
First enemy: Brittany

Last cigarette: none ever
Last car ride: car ride home from mollys
Last kiss: none
Last good cry: yesterday unfortunately
Last movie seen: darkness
Last beverage drank: water
Last food consumed: i eat... jk cant remember though
Last crush: jayme
Last phone call: jayme
Last time showered: yesterday
Last shoes worn: my ballet slippers
Last CD played: oldies
Last item bought: punisher dvd
Last annoyance: satan and her little sister
Last disappointment: Jason
Last time scolded: umm hmmm
Last shirt worn: the one im wearing now
Last website visited: livejournal
Last word you said: bye
Last song you sang: suga suga
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