Oct 02, 2006 17:38
Ok ok so it’s nice time for another posting.
2T: NOTHING at all. & I cant say I’m not totally disappointed because honestly I am. =\ Munch, Nani and me passed by his house on Saturday for fun and he was home. I had his brothers girlfriend e-mail me pictures we took from our first date and WOW. Can I just say there is not one single picture were I look at least half way decent. I could have sworn I left my house that night looking badass, clearly using those pictures as evidence I did NOT. Sheesh, we now know why he stopped calling me lol.
I saw club boy at space on Saturday. After like not calling him for like 5 days after saying I was. Munch was actually the one who spotted him out and he came up to me. Being that there was better lighting than the last time I saw him I came to the conclusion that he’s not at all cute and was quick to cut the conversation short. He was a little too foward for my taste.
Ok now 2 new guys to write about:
Contestant number 1. We’ll call him forbidden love or just FL for short. He’s an old friends’ old ex boyfriend. I know I know friends ex boyfriends are like totally off limits and not even considerable but hear me out! He’s her ex from like middle school. We all met in like 6th grade and were good friends, he always liked her but she never really liked him back. He was always the chump who stuck around and she used and abused of whenever she needed some quick attention. We were always close though, all 3 of us were good friends and I was always the one who stuck around and gave him advice whenever she treated him like shit. I was also the one who lied to him every time she was out messing around with some other dude. Anyway fast forward like 3 years and they haven’t talked in a while, they actually don’t like each other. Whatever he asks me out on a friendly date a few weeks back and I agreed being that we hadn’t really talked in a while and catching up was needed! He later tells me that he was developing feelings for me. TOTALLY NOT MUTUAL. Even more so it crosses the friend commandments. I made it clear it wasn’t mutual but agreed to another date. lol Mainly because I enjoyed his company and I knew I would never have feelings for him like that. Whatever we’ve been on like 5 dates, all spread out pretty unevenly. Except for the past week. He took me out to the movies on Thursday to go watch Jackass, and we went out for dinner last night. Only something weird happened last night, I actually looked at him in the more-than-a-friend way. He looked SO SO cute last night and I totally kept checking him out, I was even wondering what kissing him would be like. (what a whore lol) We get along real well too, we have the same interests, do the same kind of things and he just knows the right things to say. He brought me flowers lat night and even held my hand after the restaurant. I kind of mentioned to my friend about 1-2 months ago that he was hitting on me and she made it VERY clear she was not having it. And I’m not about to ruin a 13 year friendship over some guy. So I think tonight when he calls I’m going to tell him it’s better if we don’t talk anymore, even as friends. As of right now there’s no attached feelings just an attraction and I really don’t want to make things complicated.
Contestant number 2. He’s not really a contestant just some guy I met at a club with Munch. Munch was all interested in some dude who was totally s.l.o.w s.t.e.p.p.i.n.g and me being the WONDERFUL friend that I am I pretended like I was interested in his friend who we will call “big boy” lol (because he’s a pretty big guy) so he could dance with me forcing Munch’s eye candy to dance with her. To make a long story short the guy got on my bad side QUICK and annoyed the shit out of me. But for Munch’s sake I hung it out so she could stay talking to her guy. He asked me for my number like 5 minutes into our dancing (after I saw him asking some other chick for her number) and I gave it to him. Not because I liked him but because I’m a badass friend. But somehow towards the end of the night he ended up being pretty cool and got on my good side. We hung around together for most of the night and before I left he said he would call me Sunday. Only he hasn’t called, not that I care really cause like I said I wasn’t all that into him but I new boy in the game could be fun. :D Only problem is he doesn’t know my name, when I gave him my number I was still annoyed with him and decided to play the role of hard-to-get and put my number in his phone and told him to figure out which one I was. Hm let’s see if he’s playing the little 3 days rule like most lame guys.
Human Bio lab guy wasn’t in class on Thursday so he wasn’t able to confess his un controlling and passionate love for me but I’m sure he was at home reciting his lines for this week. :D
Regatta this weekend and I’m like UBER excited about it! Prancing around with my girls in my skimpiest bikini in the middle of the ocean with drunk half naked guys ALL over the place. Pbtttttt homie IM THERE! I have a huge feeling 2T will be there though, and I’m hoping I see him or something?
Oh oh oh and oh! How could I possibly forget to mention that I went on the ex-boyfriends page and saw his little blonde hoochie leave him a comment saying "Babii i luv you" UGH DISGUST!!!!! I almost died when I read that
1. Because she's a freaking moron and needs to go back to school and learn proper grammar in hopes that she will amount to something in life.
2. Because she CLEARLY does not love him!
3. Because she's stupid and immature enough to leave someone a comment when you know very well you dont love them!
4. Because attached to this "I love you" was a picture of her in little club shorts bending over and him grabbing her ass with a icon saying "Me and you could make the world jealous"
Yeah well guess what you little witch too bad he was texting me last night with "goodnight I love you" hahahaha. Her little nasty hoochie ass needs to go back to the salon and take off the mutt blonde hair color and while she's at it hit the gym because that baby fat is not baby fat, it's FAT BABY!
Ok so I'm totally hating on her but it's ok because I'm allowed to hate on my ex boyfriends new little girlfriends. :D I also saw more of his little girlies at the club on Saturday and they all looked at me and sized the life out of me. It was GREAT because I know I looked badass that night.<3
Ok pyscho concided revenge of the exgirlfriend moment is now over. :D