Sep 22, 2006 15:28
So I had originally made a few posting on my computer yet for some reason I’ve never posted them and they’re a little backdated so I figure I’ll just start from new.
Lets seeeeee so much to tell lol. I’m not going to introduce myself, I feel there’s no need for that. You’ll get to know me as the entries progress. Ok let’s start with the ex.
* We broke up sometime ago. Back in April after being together for 3 years. I don’t feel like going into much detail about it, maybe in another entry but not today’s. We’re friends I guess? I mean really how friendly can you be with your ex? But hey I’ll take something that remotely resembles friendship rather than being down each others throats all the time. At least we’re civil right? Anyway, moving right alonggg.
* At the moment I’m dealing with 2T. You might not really get the names for most of my guys. It’s like that for a reason. He’s pretty cool, I met him through my friend and so far so good. He likes seeing me a lot which I LOVE. Total difference between the last guy I dated (DR dude) who I had to like practically beg to see me but I’ll go into him a little later. Anyway back to 2T. He’s nice people and I happen to like him so far, let’s see how long it lasts. I was with him last night and it was nice, I like his company and although he likes to act a little arrogant at time we get along well.
* Ok now DR dude. I met him in the DR a few weeks back when I went for my birthday. We happened to make eye contact a few times and I thought he was REALLY cute, only he was there was his girlfriend and uhm yeah I’m not a homewrecker. Whatever, fwd a month and I found him on myspace (thank god for myspace!) and I messaged him. To make a long story short he had broken up with his girlfriend and was now very single. We dated for about 3-4 weeks and I was really liking him a lot. Apparently it wasn’t mutual. Dude didn’t know what he wanted and things just kind of ended. More like he just stopped calling me, and I’m not one to run around and beg someone to like me so I left it at that. It’s been 2 weeks and the sad part is I still hope he’s going to come around and call telling me he’s figured out what he wants.
* Now there’s pepperoni he’s kind of old school and not someone I have any feelings at all for but I happened to learn a lot from him so I’ll mention him. He was my rebound guy. The guy who chased me around for 3 years hoping I would break up with my boyfriend, I never gave him the time of day. When me and the ex broke up I finally gave him a chance, things didn’t work out to say the least. He was arrogant, and cocky and annoying and just ugh the biggest waste of time. I was hurt and vulnerable to I put up with all his crap because I just didn’t want to be alone. That was a waste of a month of my life and then some 2 weeks after just grieving about why things didn’t work out. Just thinking about how stupid he is annoys me. His simple existence does. He’s pretty much a waste of a gorgeous guy because I swear he probably has the heart and brains of a mango seed.
* Next we move along to Danny FF. He is just all around odd. He was me rebound guy after pepperoni. I didn’t really like him, but I liked his company. He was a nice guy and never made me feel awkward and pressured or anything. He always liked me more than I did him. I knew this, but I didn’t mind cause atleast it mean I wasn’t the one who was going to be hurt. I went to his house one time and we watched movies, I left and from what I thought everything was fine between us. I guess not cause the guy never called me again, nor would he return my calls. Weird eh? So I kind of let it go, shit happens you know? Well guess who randomly messages me on myspace (lol)? Yeah so after like completely cutting me off and not speaking to me for 2 months you suddenly want to come around and try being friendly with me again? I will not make it easy on him, besides he’s not all that cute anyway.
* Alb. Ok this dude was a little annoying, no more like A LOT annoying. I never quiet liked him yet he really liked me. He was never my type, at all. You know those people who are nice to you yet for some reason you can’t be with them too much because you start feeling claustrophobic or something? Yeah that was him. He talked way too much and wanted me to call him like every 3 seconds. He was the kind of guy who you hang up promising to call him back and if 1 hour passes and you haven’t he’s already blowing up your phone talking about “Why haven’t you called me!?” Ugh way too clingy and attached for my taste. That’s why I liked 2T he gives me enough attention to know he’s interested but not too much so that I have to work for it. I like the challenge. =)
Of coarse there’s been a few guys in between all of these but none that should be mentioned. Not right now anyway. Munch’s birthday is tonight and we’re going clubbing. I’m excited I could never use too many excuses for getting dressed up and pretty. :D
So this entry was kind of lame but who cares. They’ll get better though. PROMISE.