i suppose i should actually update. seeing as how it's been a while.

Jul 12, 2005 11:34

well all is hunky dory in my life... well not really.  i'm stressed out still with the whole wedding coming up, and the fact that my dad is so upset about the 'copter that got shot down in iraq.  8 of the guys that were killed were Night Stalkers, ((the unit my dad just retired from)) and 7 he knew and fought w/ personally.  so yeah, he's a bit upset about it.  while i was home he kept saying that every time he got still all he could think about was the fact that 7 of his comrads are now dead.  i can't blame him for being upset though.  they were his friends, and as much as i may sympothize, i've NEVER lost 7 friends in one day.

while i was home in NC i came down w/ a nasty illness... actually i think it started like the day before i left.  my throat was hurting that day anyway.  anyhow my head was stopped up, my throat and ears both hurt excrutiatingly bad but i refused to go to the doctor up there cause it would have cost my mom some $200 to take me ((i'm not covered by my insurance up there)) and i decided to wait till i got back to savannah to go to the doctor.  so, i went yesterday ((i'd been feeling a good bit better since sunday morning mind you)) and found out i have a severe case of strep throat, and two very infected ears. the doctor put me on amoxicilin and i got a shot to boost it.  not biggie right?  but get this, i'm taking two 1000mg tablets twice a day... that's 4000mg of amoxicilin a day... fun fun... and the pills are freaking huge... and it doesn't help that my throat is swollen... tis hard as i don't know what to swallow those damned things.

i got my wedding dress when i was up in NC too. it's so beautiful.  i didn't enjoy the whole trying it on thing though, considering i'd taken 6 tylenol sinus alergy pills through out the day and had yet to eat anything.  i almost threw up wearing my dress.  i was like... ok... i HAVE to get out of this!! didn't help that it was really hot in the place and my dress weighs like 10 lbs.  anyhow, i mangaged not to puke and my dress isn't ruined... thank god. anyhow i can't wait to wear it! only... um... 18 more days!! god i'm so excited.

i also got a lot of beautiful lingerie while i was up there, but i'm not gonna go into all that, considering i'm sure many don't want to know.  but i will tell you about the BEAUTIFUL long night gown my grama got for me.  it's purple silk and it comes all the way to my ankles.  and it's strappy and just BEAUTIFUL!!

john and i are now pretty sure we're gonna be living at the Hamilton's.  we're going tomorrow to look at the appartment and to talk to them about letting us live there despite john not being able to go back to school till spring.  i don't think we're gonna be living there too long though... my parent's are looking into finding us a trailor in this really nice neighbor hood up in NC where the rent is only $400 a month and that accounts for utilities, and they take care of the yard and everything for you.  so yeah, i have my  hopes up for living there in a month or two... but only God knows, so... yeah.  either way i have to be out of my appartment completely by noon on the 25th. so... i have to find some where for my stuff... it's really not that much... and i could get rid of a lot.  the main things are my hope chest ((which was my great grandma's and i'm not getting rid of it for ANYTHING!!!)) my T.V., my computer, ((which john and i will need)) and my clothes.  the rest isn't such a must have.  it would be nice to keep all of my electronics though, my vcr, dvd player, game cube... that kinda stuff... but if we don't have room for it then we don't have room for it.  so yeah... we'll see...

i've finally got dates for the other two showers that are being thrown for me, the church shower is the 21st and the pottery shower john's mom is throwing me is the 23rd... i'm hoping if we decide to move into the hamilton's i can go ahead and get my stuff there... since the showers are so close to my "must be out" date.

ok, that's about it for my mad rambling... man i write alot when i don't post in a while...

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