p e r m i s s i o n s
isaac 'cambridge' moore, technopath
I. tagging permissions
1. can I threadjack your threads?
Unless a thread has specifically been marked as private then YES OF COURSE YOU MAY. Especially if it's hilarious. The only minor issue I have with threadjacking is how it relates to the rest of the conversation; if it means that there are then two branches of a conversation between the same to characters I like to know how they fit together (which happens first, etc) to avoid fishbowling.
2. are you okay with extensive backtagging?
More than okay with this. My work schedule is always hectic and I know what it's like to be strapped for time to tag.
3. what about hand-waving thead endings?
I'm fine with this too. If your interest in a thread has waned then just hit me up OOC (plurk/aim/journal contact) and we'll handwave how the ending went.
II. 'can my character...'
1. break your character's fourth wall?
Cambridge is an OC, so. Probably not. That said, his PB is Alessandro Nivola (specifically from the movie Carolina) so feel free to say he looks like other Alessandro Nivola characters.
2. read your character's mind?
YEP. Cambridge has had, uh, extensive exposure to various forms of telepathy in the past. Part of his Order training has given the awareness to be able to realise when his mind is being read but he's in no way equipped to be able to prevent it (other than purposefully thinking some very obnoxious thoughts in an attempt to drive the telepath out). Although he prides himself on having nothing to hide (outside of the general secrecy of his Order career) do not expect him to be anything less than furious if you start poking around in there without his permission. Of course this is all very hypocritical of him considering how blatantly he abuses his power to spy on others, but that's an entirely different matter as far as he's concerned. :')
3. fight yours? What's your win/lose/tie policy?
I do really love writing fight scenes and I'm not averse to having Cambridge beaten up so I'm very up for fights! Cambridge has only the most basic of combat training so chances are that he would have his ass handed to him in a fight. If fighting someone with similarly crappy fighting skills then get in touch and we can discuss how the fight might turn out!
Relatedly, Cambridge does not shy away from conflict - if anything he actively seeks it out. He's an incredibly confrontational man and is a great believer in strength through competition and conflict. Cambridge is also a very foemance-y individual and an adept in the sacred art of Hateflirting (the tricky precursor to hatesex).
4. flirt with yours?
Hahahaha yes. But make sure that they really really want to try. Despite having a very open-minded approach to sex he does have incredibly high standards: unless Cambridge deems your character to be suitably attractive and - more importantly - intellectual then your character runs the risk of being laughed out of the room. That said, Cambridge does enjoy heavily-flirty innuendo and banter so it's quite easy to tell when your character has a chance.
5. romance yours?
Not really; Cambridge doesn't believe in love or romance or any of those flimsy-touchie-feely things. In fact, Cambridge is probably more likely to attempt to break up romantic relationships than start them. The closest thing he has to this already is an open relationship with Oxford whereby they sleep around just as often as they sleep with each other - an indescribably unique agreement that keeps both of them sane and happy.
6. use any other kind of superpowers on your character?
I'll take this on a case-by-case basis but chances are that they probably can! The only powers that Cambridge would be reasonably immune to are other technology-related ones.
7. kill your character?
Again this will be taken case-by-case for consideration. If there's a really good plot device to be had from it then I'll probably be cool with it but I'd rather not put Cambridge through the trauma of dying unless there's a good plot development-related reason for it.
III. unique permissions: technopathy
1. the basics
Isaac was gifted the power of technopathy (the ability to read and manipulate all kinds of technological devices and constructs) when he took on the role of Cambridge in the UK Order. Now it is nearly six years later and Cambridge has become very good at what he does. His duties to the Order involve keeping a continual surveillance on all kinds of electronic communications that go on in the British government, specifically in the Ministry of Defence. On his arrival in Bete Noire he quickly realised that the wireless network that the city operates on is a mixture of both technology and magic - predictably, he finds that a continuing source of frustration as his powers will only let him nose around so far.
2. hacking & locked posts
For the sake of not stepping on toes I have made it Cambridge's default that he can not hack any locks and filters due to magical interference - but he will be able to sense that they are there. However if a writer specifically mentions that their post is badly locked or mis-filtered then it is going to be fair game for Cambridge. :')
Being able to sense locked posts but being unable to access them is going to piss Cambridge off, what with his naturally curious personality and his history of communication surveillance. It's going to be a constant source of annoyance and a total mystery, and Cambridge is going to do everything in his power to figure out what's going on. Because he's a nosy bastard.
3. communications devices
When characters arrive in Bete Noire they find that they have a comms device similar to what they would have in their real world that they then use to access the network. Although Cambridge cannot mentally move around the network as he would like he can still manipulate and snoop around on your comms devices.
All Cambridge needs to do in order to mentally access your character's comm device is be in touching distance of it. If he plans on doing this I will make sure to clear it with you in advance.
IV. Bete Noire-specific permissions
1. cr interests
copious amounts of gin-drinking and witty banter; snooping on people and getting involved in business that certainly isn't his; having his secret technopathy power revealed by foul or fair play; confronting others with mutant powers; arguing for arguments sake; being a smug intellectual arse with other smug intellectual arses; and then being called out on being said smug intellectual arse.
2. smut-cetric interests
Cambridge generally solves his problems by fighting them or having sex with them so lots of angry sex and open 'arrangements'. He's adventurous, spontaneous and shameless. That said - I personally take more pleasure in the flirting/shameless makeouts/hideous banter that leads up to the sex rather in the actual smut itself. Chances are I will prefer to fade-to-black; if this is a problem for you, please PM me!
3. undesired interests:
Gore, vore, bloodplay, scat, waterplay. Basically anything that belongs in a toilet or a hospital :'|
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