My name is not Brian

Nov 27, 2005 08:37

muck_a_luck : Sorry, AOL sucking.
uisgich : *g*
uisgich : I see you're being cranky again, as far as writing is concerned!!
muck_a_luck : Yes, well. I think there are reasons these WIPs came to rest. I know I *can* finish them. I just don't *want* to. It is making me cranky. Like chores I don't want to do.
uisgich : Yeah, I know what you mean!!
uisgich : And I found something that made me snicker the other day.
uisgich : in your journal from almost a year ago
uisgich : Quote ...
uisgich : uisgich: to me, footie slash is like Stargate slash to you - don't understand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uisgich : Seeing what came later, that really made me giggle :)
muck_a_luck : Humph. In my irritation yesterday, and actually fairly frequently, I get very irritated by the fact that Stargate slash has basically obliterated my interest in LOTR_RPS.
muck_a_luck : I feel somehow manipulated.
muck_a_luck : Don't ask me who manipulated me.
uisgich : LOL!!!!!
muck_a_luck : Quiet you.
uisgich : Well, I did rec the Diaries to you, but that in no way counts as manipulation!!
muck_a_luck : *snort*
muck_a_luck : No, the pump was already primed. But it still really annoys me.
muck_a_luck : Not your rec. The experience.
muck_a_luck : I feel like my brain ran off and did stuff without my permission. Stupid brian.
muck_a_luck : Not Brian.
muck_a_luck : I don't know anyone named Brian.
muck_a_luck : Brain.
uisgich : That may become your new nickname. Brian :)
muck_a_luck : < menacing > Yeeesssssss. *glares*

muck_a_luck : Haha! Product placement in my story!
muck_a_luck : *snickers*
uisgich : would that be the hazelnut spread?
muck_a_luck : Nope. Though you're right!
muck_a_luck : Nutella in Nuncheon!
muck_a_luck : Nope. Tylenol. :)
muck_a_luck : Should I back of and say Acetimenophen, or however your spell it?
muck_a_luck : :-D
uisgich : you could get them to sponsor your stuff. "Hawt mansex sponsored by .... Tylenol!!"
muck_a_luck : And Nutella!
uisgich : "Nutella. There's nothing better to spread on your lover's ass" :)
muck_a_luck : *huge snorting laughter*
muck_a_luck : See, on a practical level, in real life, food and sex don't mix for me.
muck_a_luck : Why would you spread something chocolately brown on someone else's butt in a romantic situation.
muck_a_luck : ??
muck_a_luck : It bemuses me.
uisgich : Well perhaps not ass, but other bits :) Do I have to go into TMI territory????
muck_a_luck : Fiction cannot be TMI. :)
uisgich : I think there's a messy factor too when food is involved. Ice cream melting on skin and being licked off, spread around, fed to a partner with fingers, that sort of messy
muck_a_luck : Yes. My brain always tells me that no mattress would survive that kind of treatment. And spilled red wine. And chocolate. Good grief! Can you imagine trying to get that out?!
uisgich : LOL!!!
muck_a_luck : You would have to put an anti-bedwetting case aroudn your mattress.
uisgich : You little housewife, you!
muck_a_luck : Well, tell me you wouldn't be completely irritated out of the mood if somebody spilled a glass of red wine on your bed.
muck_a_luck : Say it honestly.
uisgich: Oh, yes, and wine too. A mouth ful of icy cold chardonnay can raise eyebrows and makes things taste nice.
uisgich : No, red wine on the bed wouldn't be good, but not the end of the world either, if in the throes of passion ;)
muck_a_luck : See, I read that sentence and wonder that you never got knocked up! *snickers*
uisgich : I have always used EXCEEDINGLY GOOD contraception :)
muck_a_luck : Well, one hopes if a huge wine spill destroying your mattress would not distract you in the heat of passion! :-P
muck_a_luck : Oh, wow. I just had the moment of revelation on this piece.
uisgich : Honey, as in from bees, now there's a killer to clear up afterwards!!
uisgich : Yeah? Excellent!!
muck_a_luck : I don't doubt.


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