Kinda dumb, for the spamfest chics only, really

Sep 26, 2005 10:34

I'm pretty sure that a guy like General Hammond wouldn't do something like this to undermine the authority of his most senior officer. I mean, maybe in the officers' mess, but not in front of the troops.


It amused me so I wrote it anyway…

"Give it to me, airman. Now."

The young man inside the booth was making a brave stand. It was clear he'd rather be protecting the base from a threshold scenario, rather than saying "no" to this particular officer.

"I'm sorry, Colonel. That's not possible."

"All I have to do is go down to the armory…"

"Sir, I have direct orders from the General, sir."

"O'Neill, you are only calling attention to it by delaying the people behind us."

Teal'c was actually smiling. Grinning. Ear to ear.

"This is totally unacceptable!" he growled.

Much to the obvious relief of the security staff, Teal'c took him firmly by the arm and began leading him away.

* * * * * *

Sam reached around his shoulder and placed the snapshot right in the middle of the keyboard.

Jack was asleep in the light of a warm, late autumn sunbeam, curled up on the couch under the old log cabin quilt, the kittens piled everywhere. Two under his chin. One draped over his shoulder. One on his hip. A couple curled at his feet. Daniel happened to know that the big black and white mother cat was in the crook of Jack's knees, hidden from the view of the camera.

"Awww! That's so sweet! Jack and the kittens!"

"Yeeesssss. Isn't it, though? The colonel is very, very annoyed. Surely you saw it upstairs when you signed in this morning?"

"Payback is hell," said Daniel in the same voice he used to coo over the kittens. He stroked the photo affectionately.

Sam just shook her head.

"You know it is. And there's gonna be payback for this, you can count on it."

Daniel just smiled a far away smile.

Sam just shook her head again and turned to leave. Then she stopped.

"Hey. You took that thing with the digital camera?"

green_grrl said, "No Jack makes Daniel me kittens cry.

CK replied, "There's a sweet picture. Jack asleep on the couch under a hand-knitted afghan, with about six kittens sleeping all over him and the mother cat standing guard on the other arm of the sofa. Awwwww.... *pets the Colonel and his kitties*"

Look, Jack and Daniel *thoroughly* disapprove...

stargate, crack

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