Possession, Part 9

Jul 30, 2005 09:44

Title: Possession, Part 9 (of 10)
Author: muck-a-luck, posting in brainofck
Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Goa'uld/Jack O'Neill
Rating: NC-17
Summary: SG-1's luck finally runs out. The ultimate mission failure. A month of possession.
Content/warnings: None.
Spoilers: MINOR SPOILERS FOR SEASON TWO. I think it's the second season. Anyway, if you don't already know who Sam's Dad is or who Salmac is, you are going to be spoiled.
Disclaimer: If anybody is planning a script like this for SG-1, I'm certainly not going to claim any rights to it. However, I'd be delighted to work in a co-writing/consulting/first-reader/advisory-type capacity, with my fee to be negotiated at that time. :D
Archive rights: Absolutely none. My journals only. muck_a_luck and brainofck
Blame: Blame on this one allllllllll goes to cocoajava for poking the Stargate part of my brain with a huge pointy stick.

For my loyal rugbytacklers, I have done a Stargate crash course located here.

Previous chapters available here.

Daniel knew when they got up and left him. He made himself lie still and pretend to be asleep.

There were lips on his bare shoulder, then they left.

"Dr. Jackson?"

Daniel woke with a start. Nobody but the goa'uld, or Jack, or whoever, had ever ventured into his bedroom to wake him since he'd been here.

"Muffin?" he asked blearily, reaching for his glasses, and cursing when he realized they were out in the other room.

Torranach shoved his pants into his hands.

"Get dressed. Hurry."

"OK. Is there something I should know?" Daniel asked, as he went into emergency mode. Pants, socks, boots - he cast around for his over shirt.

"Wait." Torranach was looking at the front of Daniel's t-shirt, which showed clear evidence of what he and Jack had been doing last night. Daniel looked down and wrinkled his nose.

"Here," said Torranach, and handed him a clean shirt. It looked like SGC issue. Daniel realized it must be Jack's. He stripped off his own t-shirt and put it on.

"Now, this," said Torranach. He glanced back toward the other room. He was offering Daniel a large tablet.

"I'm not taking that," Daniel said flatly.

"Dr. Jackson, my master is about to do something very stupid that I know he will regret until his dying day. I'm here to try to help you and salvage this disaster. Take it."

"Tell me what's going on," Daniel insisted.

"Take the tablet, or it won't have time to take effect."

Reluctantly, Daniel put the pill on his tongue and washed it down with warm beer form a half-empty bottle by the bed.

Torranach immediately took him by the forearm. He applied a resin to the inside of Daniel's bicep, and then pressed a long, narrow, tubular instrument into the glue. The object adhered to Daniel's skin. When Daniel lowered his arm, it felt awkward, but the device remained in place and was fairly well concealed. Torranach handed him his over shirt. With it on, no one would see the tube at all.

"What is that," Daniel asked, as he slipped his shirt on.

"It's the counteragent to the drug you just took."

"I just took a drug that requires a counter agent?" Daniel couldn't keep a note of panic out of his voice.

"You just took a very powerful narcotic in a time-release capsule. In ten minutes you will start to get sleepy and five minutes after that, you'll be comatose. Your respiration and heart rate will be nearly undetectable."

Daniel heard the outer doors of his suite open. Through the doors to the other room he could see that the Jaffa entering were not his usual bodyguard.

Torranach grabbed him and drew him close.

"My apologies, Dr. Jackson," he whispered.

Then he kissed him.

Torranach's fingers slipped through his hair, then Daniel felt a sharp pain behind his ear.

"That's a locator beacon," Torranach whispered. The Jaffa had stopped outside the door and were waiting, though Daniel couldn't imagine for what. "The Jaffa won't see it. Don't interfere with it."

Then Torranach released him and stepped back. He nodded to the leader of the Jaffa contingent, who reached out to take Daniel by the arm. Daniel shrugged him off with an imperious glare.

"Lead the way," he said, as haughtily and derisively as he could manage through his increasing panic.

They didn't go far. Which made perfect sense, once Daniel saw their destination. They stopped about a dozen yards down the corridor from his rooms. The Jaffa touched a switch on the wall, and a door slid back.

Behind the door, Daniel saw a row of coffin-like escape pods. He recognized them immediately. He'd been inside escape pods like this twice.

One of them was marked with the Tauri glyph. Daniel thought that couldn't mean anything good.

The Jaffa pointed to the marked pod.

In the confined darkness, Daniel felt the pod fall away from the ship. He was beginning to feel the effects of Torranach's drug. He tried to relax into the comfortable sleepy feeling and not think to much about what was going to happen next.

Sam stood at General Hammond's elbow as the goa'uld's party approached from the ship. At first, she kept expecting more people to appear thorough the ship's open hatch, but as they crossed the grass of the large meadow, she realized it was just the goa'uld and Torran.

With a shock, she realized who Torran must be. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Teal'c raise an eyebrow.

"Muffin is his chosen host," Teal'c murmured to her.

"Who?" Muttered General Hammond back. But it was too late to answer him, as the goa'uld finally stopped before them.

Seeing Jack and knowing it was not Jack was still one of the eeriest experiences Sam could remember. Her father was still her father, with Salmac inside him. This goa'uld was the snake in Jack's body, with Jack tucked somewhere deep inside his head. She couldn't wait for this whole horrible debacle to be over.

The goa'uld bowed slightly to the general. He offered a small square box.

"I have brought you a gift, as a souvenir of this occasion," said the goa'uld.

"Thank you," General Hammond accepted the box, which he handed to the Marine standing by. "And I want to thank you again for agreeing to this procedure. I take it that this is your new host?" Hammond asked, indicating Torranach.

Torranach gave him that disarming smile that made Sam's heart skip two beats.

"My name is Torranach," he said, with a deeper bow than his master had offered. "I am very pleased to be able to make your acquaintance, General. Samantha and Teal'c have said so much about you."

The general smiled thinly.

"Why don't we all go in?" he suggested. "The Tokra are ready for us, and I don't see any reason to delay this any longer than we have to. It's my understanding that this planet isn't in the best of neighborhoods."

Torranach nodded his agreement.

"We are in a disputed border territory here. Three system lords are fighting to control it. It was a poor choice for a meeting place, but we bowed to the will of the Tokra in this regard."

Sam stared at him. This was not the quiet, deferential scholar who had been helping her these past few weeks. This Torranach had the presence of command. Her eyes flicked to the goa'uld. He looked pleased and calm.

"Well, then, if you will come with me, the Tokra are waiting," said the general. She was turning to fall in behind them, when Torran caught her arm.

He smiled warmly down at her, as the others began the short walk to the rings that would take them down into the Tokra tunnels.

"I have brought a gift, too," he said quietly.

It was a box, very similar to the one the goa'uld had given Gen. Hammond.

"You didn't need to do that," she said, just as quietly, though the rest of the group had already moved well beyond earshot.

"Yes. I did. It's a viewing globe. I want you to promise me that you will watch it as soon as you can."

There was an urgency in his voice that seemed out of place in the circumstances.

"OK," she agreed, a little shakily. "I'll watch it tonight," she promised.

"No!" he said, stepping closer and touching her hair gently. She really shouldn't allow this. Not standing here in full dress uniform for the world to see. He leaned in and whispered in her ear. "Daniel needs you to see this immediately. Find a way to watch it within the hour. Sooner if you possibly can."

He left her standing there, holding the device, and hurried to catch up with the rest of the party.

"Teal'c!" she hissed.

When he turned, she gestured frantically. He nodded to the Tokra on his left and bowed his way out of the room.

"What is it, Maj. Carter?" he asked quietly.

"The snake spaced Daniel," she said breathlessly.

Teal'c's brow furrowed, as it did when he was struggling with a new phrase. Sam shook her head.

"He's dumped Daniel out into space in an escape pod with no oxygen supply," she explained hurriedly. "Torran thinks we have about three hours to find the pod. We need a ship and we need it now."

Teal'c took a deep breath.

"Maj. Carter, if what Torranach told you is true, then DanielJackson is already dead. Without an oxygen supply, a person inside an escape pod has approximately half an hour of breathable atmosphere. Perhaps less."

Sam shook her head again.

"No! Torran gave him something - some kind of drug - to make him sleep. If we hurry, we'll be just in time."

"We need the snake's ship," she said.

A Tokra was passing them in the hall. Teal'c reached out and took him firmly by the arm. He turned to look at them with wide, surprised eyes. Teal'c leaned down and whispered to him.

"Tell General Hammond that the goa'uld currently being moved between hosts must not be allowed to leave this place until Maj. Carter or I contact him. It is a matter of great urgency, but the goa'uld must not know anything is amiss."

The Tokra looked confused, but nodded. Sam was already running down the tunnel as fast as her dress blues would allow. Teal'c followed her with no further explanation.

"Three hours beginning when?" Teal'c asked, as the planet fell away behind him.

"I don’t know," Sam replied, her voice tight. "Torran's message isn't incredibly helpful. He obviously didn't have much time." She was trying to figure out how to adjust the instrument Torran had stated would pick up Daniel's beacon.

"There!" she exclaimed. The display lit up with a flashing marker.

"Maj. Carter," Teal'c replied. She looked up to see Teal'c watching the ship's targeting computer.

There were three ships showing on the display. The goa'uld's ha'tak, as expected. Another, much smaller ship, probably a tel'tak, like their own.

And a second ha'tak.

"It seems the Tokra should have heeded the goa'uld's warning about using this planet as a meeting place," Teal'c commented.

"Oh. Oh, we do not need this right now," Sam muttered. She was comparing the two displays - the one showing Daniel's beacon, and the targeting display.

"Teal'c, that other tel'tak. It's right on top of Daniel."

Teal'c nodded his agreement.

The communications board chirped.

"Who would be hailing us?!" Sam asked.

"We are in His Lordship's personal tel'tak," Teal'c reminded her. "They are hailing us on a protected channel."

The voice came from the speakers.

"Maj. Carter? Teal'c?"

They looked at each other. Teal'c touched a control on the communications panel.

"This is Teal'c. Who are you?"

The voice sounded relieved.

"Teal'c. It is I, Seejay. We have found Dr. Jackson. He seems to be unharmed, but he is unconscious. Torranach told me that Maj. Carter would know what to do."

"Who the hell is this Seejay?" Sam demanded.

Teal'c gave her his most annoyed raised eyebrow.

"He is the Jaffa that was the head of DanielJackson's security contingent," replied Teal'c, as if this were common knowledge.

"Oh," Sam said. "OK. Seejay, Torran said he would hide a device in the escape pod for administering a stimulant that should revive him. But he wasn't sure how he was going to do it."

"We will search," replied Seejay.

"Teal'c, what about that other ha'tak?" Sam said. "We need to warn General Hammond."

"Seejay," Teal'c said. "Do not search. Do you have ring transport?"

"Of course," came the quick reply.

"Good. Place the pod in the rings and send DanielJackson to us. Then you must return to your ha'tak before the battle begins."

Understanding Teal's intention, Sam leapt up and headed back to the cargo area.

"The rings are clear," she called to Teal'c.

"We cannot return," said Seejay. "Torranach will be His Lordship's new host, and we came here on Torranach's instructions. Soon, our master will know of our betrayal. Those of us who are aboard this vessel are leaving as soon as we deliver Dr. Jackson to you."

The familiar sound of the rings activating filled the small ship.

"We've got him, Teal'c!" she shouted. "Get us back down there!"

"Seejay, you have our thanks."

"We would like more than your thanks," said Seejay pointedly. "Please tell Master Bratac that we are interested in joining his cause. When the danger has passed, we will return to this planet. Tell Master Bratac that we will be waiting here by the chappa'ai fourteen days from today."

Sam couldn't figure out how to get the pod to open completely. In irritation, she reached through the open top portion and took Daniel under the arms, intending to pull him out, then climb in herself to search for the medical device Torran had described in his message. Gripping him under the armpits, she immediately felt the strange object attached to Daniel's upper arm.

"Teal'c, can you come help me get him out of this thing?"

Torranach awakened from the procedure, and to his surprise did not feel his master's mind in touch with his. He lay still. He had not expected to awaken in control of his own body, but so much the better. He definitely felt different. His throat was sore, but already healing. He didn't feel any other ill effects. He cracked an eyelid. Two Tokra watched over him.

He wondered if his message had reached Melnar in time. The rival system lord would race to this planet as soon as he received it, Torranach was certain. What Torranach didn’t know was exactly where Melnar was. Timing was going to be everything. Timing and luck.

But he seemed to have luck today. Torranach jumped up and ran as soon as the first ha'tak strike shook the tunnels. The two Tokra were so startled, they barely had time to shout after him. He pelted down the corridors, ringed up to the surface, and had dialed out before anyone followed him. He leapt through the Stargate, back to the ha'tak.

Possession, Part 10

If you're interested, all my stories, in order, from one page. Also, my fiction recommendations.

stargate, possession, goa'uld

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