What I am thinking about right now

May 03, 2005 23:48

"But you aren't a free man anymore," Sean replied, his hand trembling as he reached to his belt for his knife. "I said the binding words over you. You were free until I said them, but the words and the brand made you a slave."

Viggo gave him that crazed, toothy grin, and suddenly Sean couldn't breathe.

"I've been your slave for a long time, then, and you've hardly gotten any benefit from it," Viggo replied. His eyes were bright with mischief and anticipation. Then the glimpse of Viggo's motives was hidden as he dropped his eyes, properly subservient for a slave. "You should get at least a day's work for all your investment."

Sean swallowed hard on the strange and unexpected feeling of power and lust that swept over him at Viggo's very correct bow and lowered eyes.

"If my master wills it, I am ready to escort him home," Viggo murmured. A bit forward for a slave, but then, this slave was accustomed to a high ranking and important place of leadership in this former household. A valuable warrior and manager.

"Viggo," his whispered hoarsely. "I'm not sure I should play this game."


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