Motivation finally recovered

Feb 04, 2012 08:22

Spent yesterday and teh day before using my writing time for research.

Revisited this excellent discussion of Daniel's language skills as I decided which languages I wanted Daniel to claim to speak. I have always thought that when Daniel said he "speaks" 23 languages, that would actually exclude all the ancient languages taht he probably only reads and writes, like cuneform and heiroglyphs.

Then yesterday, did my research on heroin use. For one thing, I wanted a realistic idea of how people act when they have taken heroin. That was annoyingly hard to find in my limited time to research yesterday. The written stuff I found was too clinical, and the youtube stuff I found was all documentary type stuff that showed plenty of people putting the needles in their arms, but then cut away to interviews and stuff rather than actually showing the behavior of the people immediately after taking the drug. I wanted something as real as possible, not Hollywood. Anyway, I think I found enough to feel like I can write something not totally ridiculous.

Also, I found support for me wanting Jack to be a "weekend" heroin user. Someone who uses regularly but is not addicted - at least not yet. One small study described here. I had read about this before, when I first started thinking about this story and wanted to know exactly how dangerous and addictive heroin *really* is, vs. my jr. high anti-drug education. I also wanted to find out how bad withdrawl would be. Also did a dicey webcrawler search on "how to use heroin" that took me to a tongue in cheek step-by-step explantation.

Periodically, Husband will say, were you looking at....?! Can't wait for this round of research to start auto-suggesting things in the http line of the browser. :D

Anyway, after several days of blank brain, the story started writing itself again, and I got another 1200 or so words into electrons yesterday and today. Over 8000 now, and I think tomorrow I will turn my attention to the werewolf thing, since I have to decide on that one by Feb 20. The homeless story will definitely be finished by March 30 at this point.

The big quesiton is - what happens with the MPREG.

Crossposted at ""

werewolf, sos

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