REC: Billy's Head is Pasted On; A Sudden Case of Slash

Apr 28, 2005 06:09

:) I picked up the link to Billy's Head is Pasted On from lotrips_finders this morning. A great community to either ferret out something you've lost or to just pick up fun new material. If somebody else is desparate to find it again, then there's a good chance it's worth reading yourself. Not always, but a lot of the time.

I don't usually like fiction and movies that are self-aware. But sometimes, it really works. In this story, Billy is brooding about LOTR RPS. V. funny.

Another one where the concept really works is A Sudden Case of Slash

Poor Liv. Her friend shows her slash on the internet. Liv reads all night, morbidly fascinated.

Her next outing with the hobbitsnorli freaks her out.

My favorite line, "That's how you know it's fiction," Marie reasoned, turning the page in her book. "If Orli were really turning tricks, it'd take him about one night to make more than they're paying him for that pirate movie."


lotr recs, fic recs

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