Writing frenzy over

Dec 05, 2009 08:56


What a weird 5 weeks or so it has been.

I have sent the hydropunk piece off for beta. It is around 20k right now. Probably will stay that way.

Meanwhile, I tackled and did a quick and dirty on the old ice shelter thing that has been rattling around my head for a couple of years. I turned it into an entry in the cliche-a-thon over at
jackdanielpromptfic. Plus, it snuck it in at one_prompt, though it might have been a little bit of a cheat. Not sure. I only used the prompt line for the setup of the story. But then again, Jack kind of fixed his relationship with Daniel during the story, so maybe it fit the prompt after all.

But basically, I have written at least a few hundred to a couple thousand words a day nearly every day since October 22. (And yes, there is doctor-waiting-room writing in there. But of course.) And I have not felt at all under pressure (except with the December 5 deadline on the One Prompt thing, that I didn't realize until I was down to only a week to write). I have been enjoying the process, not feeling any urgent *need* to post, happy to be doing something big that WILL NOT be posted WIP. In general, happy as a writer.

Plus, although I've been slacking off on yoga, I did not stop completely.

However, I feel that it is time to turn the tide back to attentiveness to exercise (and to a lesser extent diet). So until the New Year, I'm off writing for a while. I'll get the hydropunk piece finished up and posted when it comes back from beta (and Ms. Beta has been told there is absolutely no rush!), then I will be alllll yoga all the time for a while.

I think I will use any internet time I do have to tidy up around here. I think the index pages of the two journals are both behind, as are the matricies. Also, I need to go back and tag adn memorize the two journals. If I'm feeling really industrious, maybe I will go back to working on my website, which hasn't had any attention since March or so.

Crossposted at "http://brainofck.dreamwidth.org/287050.html"
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