Bright, Rich, Sweet: Chapter 4

Jul 17, 2008 13:17

Title: Bright, Rich, Sweet (4 of 6?)
Author: muck-a-luck, posting in brainofck, with special contributions by cocoajava
Pairing: Daniel Jackson/Jack O'Neill, Jack O'Neill/OFC
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A vampire cannot live by (chicken) blood alone. Jack becomes a vampire.
Content/warnings: Does one warn for bloodplay in a vampire story? Het content (Chapter 3).
Words: Approximately 25,000-30,000 overall, 2736 this part
Disclaimer: If anybody is planning a script like this for SG-1, we are certainly not going to claim any rights to it. However, we'd be delighted to work in a co-writing/consulting/first-reader/advisory-type capacity, with my fee to be negotiated at that time. :D
Archive rights: Absolutely none. Our journals only. cocoasmut and brainofck
The Matrix: Taste. The Matrix is located here.
Beta: Thanks to green_grrl and zats_clear for beta services and editorial advice.

Chapter 3 (in cocoajava's journal)

To start from the beginning, click here for Chapter 1.

Which was, of course, when SG-11 came back from PX7-983, known to the natives as Zella (but better known in Jack's brain as the blue dirt planet, because you know, all the dirt. Blue.), to say that the deal was final, but the Zellans (who were also kind of bluish, but otherwise were mostly human) would only sign with SG-1 on the other side of the table.

SG-1 had made first contact with Zella over a year ago. It was in many ways the most Earth-like planet they had ever discovered, both densely populated and heavily industrialized. The level of technology in most respects was very similar to Earth's as well, though in some areas they could offer huge advances, and in other areas, they lagged surprisingly far behind. The opportunities for trade in products and innovation were ideal and relatively equal for both sides.

"What have you people been doing out there, Edwards! The blue guys loved me!"

Colonel Edwards snorted.

"They love us, too, Jack. They just think their TV-viewing public will love you more."

Carter rolled her eyes, and Teal'c frowned disapprovingly.

"Colonel Edwards, please do not encourage Colonel O'Neill's delusions of grandeur."

Jack smiled demurrely.

Of course, one big difference between Earth and Zella was that on Zella, the Stargate had recently become known to the public. SG-1 had been big news when they arrived. They spent a couple of days of that mission being interviewed by the press and making the rounds of the Zellans' version of talk shows. It was weird.

"For the most part, the Zellans are pretty happy to meet us aliens. But there are still plenty of folks there who would rather shove us back through the gate and bury it behind us. It's not my fault their Minister of the Stargate wants Jack's ugly mug on the evening news, instead of my pretty face," Edwards groused. "Didn't I tell you? They have you guys on kids' lunchboxes there now!"

"Ah. True celebrity," said Jack with a smug grin.

"Well, I don't see any harm in SG-1 representing Earth when the Ambassador signs the treaty, and neither does the President. You have an assignment, Colonel O'Neill," General Hammond said, nodding to Jack. "My apologies to you and your team, Colonel Edwards, you've done a remarkable job."

Edwards shrugged.

"It just means I get to leave my Class A's in the closet, sir," he replied amiably.

"Class A's? You're kidding me," Jack complained. Carter scowled, too.

The timing couldn’t have been worse. Jack was hesitant to go back to the Crypt too soon, for fear that if she saw him again right away the block would break down and she would recognized him.

There wasn't exactly a huge Goth scene in the Springs. Plus he was uncomfortable picking up a one-night stand even if he could erase her memory completely. It seemed too much like making a victim where there should have be a partnership.

But it had been four days, and if he didn't eat soon, he was going to start feeling the effects.

The negotiations had been going smoothly and SG-11 had been completely accepted. Jack honestly couldn't understand what made SG-1 so indispensible, but he had no intention of begging off from such an important alliance just because he felt a little peckish.

He stepped through the gate, thinking that when he got back to Earth in a few days he'd go back to the Crypt. He'd look for a potential new long-term partner. Or maybe he would reconsider his strategy and start exploiting the club for short-term relationships. He ignored the obnoxious voice in his head that sneered "Dinner."

The leader of the meet and greet party, his old buddy Mal'esh, made him right away.

"You are vampyr? I did not realize," said Mal'esh, looking slightly alarmed.

Crap, thought Jack. He eyed the short distance back to the gate as Daniel fell back on their flank, anticipating the order to dial it up. Teal'c inclined his staff weapon just a little as Carter tightened up on her P-90.

"That's me," Jack replied with attempted nonchalance. "Not many people pick up on it."

Mal'esh nodded. There was whispering among the ministry staff, who were now watching their visitors with new suspicion, as well as apparent annoyance.

"We know of vampyr, though they are rare among us. It was an oversight that we did not realize your condition before. Which is your Companion?" Mal'esh asked with deceptive mildness.

Jack could practically feel Daniel's eyes on him, waiting for Jack's reply.

"My Companion isn't here," Jack said, now anticipating answering lots of questions from Carter, Teal'c, and probably Dr. Fraiser, too. Thanks, big guy, Jack thought resignedly. Way to blow my cover.

"She doesn't do wormhole travel," he explained.

Mal'esh's eyes widened in surprise.

"You are travelling without your Companion?! That is not permitted here. You must leave immediately."

Daniel stepped forward.

"When Jack is travelling, I perform the duties of the Companion," he said smoothly. He directed a flickering, nervous smile at Jack.

Jack glared at him, but the meeting was too important to blow it on this point. If nothing else, Carter had been busting at the seams for weeks waiting for the opportunity to work with their physicists and engineers.

Mal'esh looked immediately mollified.

"You could have said that at the beginning!" he said, with a relieved smile. He turned to Carter. "As long as the vampyr is well fed and controlled, we can proceed as planned."

Just as Jack was going to complain about being referred to as "the vampyr," and the fact that Mal'esh was now addressing Carter, rather than himself, Daniel spoke up again.

"Are there any other rules that we should know about how Colonel O'Neill should conduct himself while we're here?" Daniel said. "I would hate to trespass on any laws or customs through ignorance and endanger the relationship between our worlds."

Mal'esh shook his head.

"No. As long as the vampyr has a Companion and is healthy, we treat him as if he were a normal person."

Which turned out to be not entirely true. When they were escorted to their quarters after dinner and speeches, the suite assigned to Jack and Daniel had no windows, and the door was firmly locked behind them.

Daniel stared contemplatively at the door, until Jack sighed in exasperation and began reviewing the bedroom for possible threats and surveillance.

One bed.

"Of course," he muttered under his breath.

When he finished his circuit of the room, he turned back to his "Companion" to find Daniel no longer contemplating the door, but resolutely staring at Jack.

"Regretting this yet?" Jack asked neutrally. He was already feeling fangy. He was hungry and used to feeding on live blood now. Daniel would be a delicious treat, he knew. He hated the universe for setting him up like this. Daniel, almost literally, on a plate, and still not his to have.

Daniel simply shook his head.

"Not at all," he replied, crossing the room towards Jack confidently. There was lust in his eyes and in his musk and great, now Daniel had the stupid vampire kink, too. Jack scowled.

Not that Daniel was deterred. He slipped his hands under Jack's jacket, warm palms moving firmly up Jack's back towards his shoulder blades, pulling their bodies close together. The heat of Daniel against him made Jack shut his eyes against the pure pleasure of it. He felt his cheeks heating and his dick hardening.

When he looked at Daniel again, they were practically nose to nose.

Jack expected Daniel to talk. To try to persuade him. Instead, the archaeologist just kissed him, his eyes drifting shut and his lips soft and gentle.

Jack was so surprised he just stared at Daniel's sweet, relaxed face. Daniel's arms around him tightened. When the tip of Daniel's tongue passed moistly over Jack's lips, Jack almost reflexively responded in kind, the heat of Daniel's tongue against his own a new jolt of pleasure.

Jack had expected Daniel to be all business, the way he was after Jack drank Teal'c's blood. Or for that matter, the way Jack had been at every human feeding since he gave in.

He didn't expect Daniel to gently push Jack's jacket away, then raise his hand to run his fingers through Jack's hair. He didn't expect the hum of satisfaction.

"Silk," whispered Daniel against the corner of Jack's mouth as he broke the kiss, letting his lips graze over Jack's jaw back towards his ear.

Daniel tugged him, walking backwards towards the bed, pulling Jack along with him. Jack turned his head and caught Daniel's lips again as they went down together onto the soft bedcovers.

Jack could feel the blood pulsing through Daniel's lips as they caressed Jack's neck in an ersatz bite. He worried his teeth there, and Jack arched his head back, wantonly inviting Daniel to mark him. Blood and heat so close, Jack felt intoxicated. He pushed back against his craving to feed, reveling in the sensations, in the leisurely enjoyment of being close to someone.

Jack knew he should stop this. He might have little choice other than to feed on Daniel under duress, but Daniel's exploratory nips at Jack's collarbone, his tongue licking over Jack's pecs, Jack's gasps as Daniel paused to try suckling at a nipple, none of this had anything to do with feeding.

Jack had to stop this. He carefully but forcefully pushed Daniel away. Daniel sat up, an arm's length away now, but he just shook his head and smiled, damp and flushed and rumpled, and reached down to work Jack's belt and fly. It had to be done sooner or later so Jack let him. Daniel pulled at his waistband and Jack lifted his hips. He tried not to feel embarrassed as his cock sprang free and erect under Daniel's curious eye.

Jack was about to sit, get Daniel out of his clothes, when Daniel, with no warning, went down on him.

Jack gave a squawk of disbelief that turned into something more like a groan of surrender, as his hips thrust up. Daniel laid his hand flat on Jack's belly, helping Jack to remember to be still as he licked and sucked experimentally.

He didn't realize he had called Daniel's name until Daniel stopped.

"Yes, Jack?" he said, licking his lips smugly.

Jack growled and tackled him. It was Daniel's turn to yelp in surprised laughter as Jack practically ripped off his pants. Daniel helped by squirming out of them, but then he was too far away, all the way on the other side of the bed. Jack prowled after him, intent on removing the smirk from Daniel's face.

He caught him behind the knees as he crawled, lifting his legs easily, slumping down until his nose was pressed into Daniel's crotch and his beautiful, tempting erection. He ran a finger over it. There were veins in the penis. Pints, quarts, gallons of blood passing through Daniel's groin. Jack shook the thought away, listening to Daniel's soft moan at the touch.

Breathing deeply, inhaling Daniel's strong, heady scent, Jack couldn't stop the surreal feeling of unreality.

"Where would you like me to take the blood, Daniel?" His voice was gravelly with hunger and lust.

"Not there!" he replied emphatically, as if he heard Jack's earlier thoughts. "I'll never last to the big finish." His whole body shook as if to emphasize the point. Jack couldn't help but smile a little a the idea of pushing Daniel over in one huge rush. But not this time.

No, not ever, he reminded himself. This was done when they walked away from this stupid blue planet.

"Neck. Arm. I don't care," Daniel finished.

Jack rose back to all fours, licked one long stripe up Daniel's cock, and continued to look into Daniel's face.

"I should... I should prep before you start," Daniel stammered, obviously embarrassed to be mentioning it. Jack shook his head.

"You have some lube or something?" he asked. Daniel stared up at him glassily, realization finally dawning in his face. He swore. Jack took the liberty of leaning down and kissing the profanities away.

"You probably couldn’t make it through a nice session of rimming, either, huh?" he asked, feeling the breath whoosh out of the man under him at the suggestion. "Thought so," he said. "Well, let's see how helpful our hosts are."

He rolled away from Daniel so that he could explore the drawers of the table by the bed.

He held up a small cup triumphantly.

"No first aid kit petroleum jelly for you!" Jack said. Daniel laughed, reaching for the jar.

"Nope," Jack said. "That’s my job. Over you go. Ass in the air." He prodded Daniel's hip gently.

Watching him suspiciously, Daniel did as requested, going to his elbows and knees, resting his forehead on his forearms. Waggling that perfect round ass just a little. Jack could see he was grinning to himself. Jack laid a solid, loudly resounding smack on the nearest buttcheek. Which got him as a reward a snort of amusement and a perfect handprint to admire.

"Spanking just makes me laugh, Jack," Daniel said.

"I'm sure that's a character flaw that has exasperated many girlfriends over time," Jack said, hoping that he would make it to the big finish, as Daniel put it. Seeing that perky ass and its hole there all for him... He took a huge dollop of the cream in the tub and smeared it over Daniel's opening, enjoying watching it clench in response to the contact and the cold.

Working Daniel open was torture. One finger through the tight ring and Jack had to squeeze his own balls mercilessly. After that, he made it through the rest, though Daniel wasn't helping at all. He moaned like a cheap whore, squeezing down on Jack's fingers, rocking against the penetration more and more desperately.

"Whenever you're ready," Daniel finally offered in a tight, strained voice.

Jack didn't have to be asked twice. He smeared another palmful of the goop on his throbbing hard on, and knelt behind his friend, head against the still tight hole. He slipped off-target a couple of times in all the lube, but then he found the right angle with the right pressure and he slipped in.

Daniel took in a sharp breath as Jack came up against the resistance of his inner muscles. He backed off a bit, then with a long sigh, Daniel relaxed, and Jack was able to ease in with one long, deep thrust that brought him tight against Daniel's body.

They had done this before, but this position, staring down at Daniel's long smooth back, watching his dick disappear into Daniel's surrendering body, was completely different from laying back and letting Daniel ride him. In that moment, Daniel was Jack's. His to possess. His to have, to enjoy his body, for nourishment, for comfort, for passion. His. For one brief moment, he didn't care that it wasn't possible. He didn't care about Daniel's motivations. He just knew that Daniel belonged to him.

He bit him at the meeting of neck and shoulder. It was a deeper bite than he had ever used while feeding. He wrapped his arms around Daniel's chest lifting him up against Jack's body, impaling him even more violently on his prick.

"Do it," Daniel whimpered. "Yes."

Jack pumped his hips out and forward, rocking Daniel's body with the force, holding him hard, drinking more deeply than he ever had before. Daniel's blood was expanding him, Daniel's body was heating him. The energy loop was starting, setting up a sympathetic frission over Daniel's hot, living skin.

Jack shifted a hand down to grip Daniel's cock, then tumbled then both forward, so that Daniel was crushed under him, pinned by Jack's teeth and cock and dead weight, utterly accepting, moaning his pleasure, throbbing and coming in Jack's hard grip.

Jack continued to drink through Daniel's orgasm, Daniel's shudders and noises suggesting that it was a long one. He felt replete, and he could feel his own climax coming quickly. As Daniel went completely limp beneath him, Jack stopped taking blood, letting the healing process begin, kissing the wound, Daniel's shoulders, his soft hair, and he came, mouthing the back of Daniel's neck, drowning in the double pleasure of two satiated hungers.

Chapter 5

If you're interested, all my stories, in order, from one page. Also, my fiction recommendations.

stargate, vampire story

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