How I became a pervert

Oct 02, 2006 21:42

I was a pervert from a young age.

Per IMDB, Starsky and Hutch was on 1975 til 1979? Well, my first slash experience was watching Starsky and Hutch, so I was 8 or younger. One of them made some comment about how they were like an old married couple, and the other one made some comment about not even knowing if the first one was a good kisser or not, and then looks were exchanged and I can't remember how it finished, but I am wondering if they actually kissed? Can't remember. Seems like I would, but it's been a long time and I probably only saw it once. Anyway, I got that it was a joke, but my pre-adolescent brain went "Huh?" Then "Hmmmm." I got that they were being sort of grown-up naughty, and I probably had a hazy idea that it was kinda sexy, though I was 8, or whatever, so it couldn't have been that clear to me. (I suppose I could have been slightly older if I saw it in reruns.)

So then I didn't have any slashy thoughts for a long time. Totally bypassed Star Wars. I was all about Leah and Han.

Then there was 21 Jump Street. Not only slash here, but (unwritten) fanfic of the Dark Muse variety. Ah. She was with me even back then. Such a pervert.

Somewhere in there was Battlestar Galactica. Apollo and Starbuck.

So then, Lord of the Rings. As with I imagine lots of people, LOTR was the big slash realization.

My first knee-jerk reaction was how could people take Sam and Frodo's deep friendship and twist it like that. It's not always sex, people! There's deep devotion, loyalty and love that has nothing to do with carnal desires.

And actually, I do still feel that way about the actual text. That's Sam and Frodo. Loyal, devoted to the end. But when Sam "comforted him with arms and body" or whatever the quote is, Frodo was starving, exhausted, dying of thirst, and his mind was being torn apart by the Ring. I seriously doubt Sam was, ahem, comforting him that way.

But I was intrigued, and very quickly found that I could reconcile fan fic with the actual intention of Tolkien. For me, I can accept them a separate venues. Tolkien wrote one incredible novel followed by two more books of amazing epic saga. That was one thing. People have taken the characters and the setting and done things with them that are fun and exciting and which can be enjoyed completely separately from the Professor's work.

So Sam and Frodo sucked me in, and it's all been down hill from there. Hobbit slash led to Merry/Pippin/Boromir and Library of Moria led to Closer than Brothers, and then Stargate slashed itself and that's what made me the pervert I am today!


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