Mysteries of the Next Life, Part II

Mar 14, 2005 07:55

Series/Chapter: Arena - Mysteries of the Next Life, Part II
Author: muck-a-luck, posting in brainofck
Pairing: SB/VM (other pairings in later chapters)
Rating: PG
Summary: Viggo is somewhere else, where everyone and no one is the same
Content/warnings: AU. Violence.
Spoilers: None.
Disclaimer: Slash is fiction. So while we may all be demented, slash is basically the author's own porno script, populated by the individuals she feels would be ideal to fill the various roles if she ruled the universe if she were ever fortunate enough have the opportunity to bring her vision to the screen. *snortle*
Archive rights:, Green Opals, if they're interested, and my journals muck_a_luck and brainofck
Further Disclaimer: Any resemblance to Ancient Rome mostly incidental. I have never seen any gladiator flick. Ever. Honest. Not even stinky Gladiator that stole FOTR's Oscar. *glares*
Blame: uisgich, for encouraging me

Water and Oil
Flesh and Iron
Night Terrors
The Mysteries of the Next Life, Part I

The attempt on his life was simple and direct and probably should have succeeded.

Viggo almost felt sorry for the poor man. He crept up on him as Viggo lay wrapped in his blankets under the stars. But Viggo was a light sleeper and the horse whinnied. Viggo killed the man with his own knife. As he moved his blankets away from the body and lay back down to sleep, he took a moment to be grateful that they hadn't thought to poison him.

Despite the fact that Viggo was terrified of what he was going to find when he returned, the caravan was easily the most incredible experience of his life. Miles and miles on horseback. Strange mountains and plains and people. The whole excursion under his command. It was unlike anything he had ever done.

He was good at it, too. Sennet had given him the task only two weeks before they departed, but Viggo had spent the time pouring over maps and talking to people who had done this trip many times, and he had made a few unusual choices about their route. The decisions had paid off in time, and Viggo had brought the caravan to its destination almost six weeks ahead of schedule.

Now, he was looking down over the city almost two months earlier than Sennet expected him to return. The wealth he escorted was completely intact and unscathed. Viggo was actually quite pleased with himself. He'd have to find a way to do this for himself one day. He was sure they had tripled Sennet's investment. It was mind-boggling.

He studied the Weapons Master's face intently.


"He's dead."

Viggo sat hard on the bench by the practice ring where two new slaves were sparring.

"He knew it was going to happen," Viggo whispered. "How?"

"Rodin found Sean in his wife's quarters. Rodin's wife accused Sean of making advances on her person. Rodin killed him. It was about a month after you left."
Viggo squeezed his eyes shut against the tears. Eight months ago.

"It was my understanding that you were going to die on this trip as well," the Weapons Master continued.

Viggo laughed harshly.

"They shouldn't have botched the job."

Rodin sat in the light of his fire, his favorite dogs drowsing at his feet.

"I've come about Sean."

The poor beasts yelped and scrambled up at the sound of the soft voice. They growled and snarled and went for the intruder as they had been trained to do. Rodin had been startled as well, but the beasts would protect him, and the racing of his heartbeat was already calming as he turned to watch his animals rip the man to shreds.

Viggo kicked one animal so hard in the jaw it's neck snapped. He slit the other beast's throat neatly and suddenly there was nothing between Rodin and a sudden death. As his lungs filled with blood, the last thing he saw was Viggo smiling grimly through his tears.

Viggo joined Sennet for breakfast. They ate quietly in the bright warm morning light of Sennet's workroom.

Sennet broke the silence first.

"Rodin has disappeared," he said.

Viggo said nothing.

"The City guard thinks he was probably murdered. He went to his rooms two nights ago, and yesterday morning his wife found the bodies of his two dogs dead on the carpet by the fire. But Rodin's gone. Not a drop of blood anywhere. And every thing of value in his room taken."

Sennet shook his head.

"I always warned him he should use a treasury, rather than sleep in that pile of gold. The widow hasn't got two pieces of silver to jingle in her purse. The estate's well run, though. I'm sure she'll be fine."

Viggo continued to show not the slightest interest.

"That's an exaggeration, surely. Rodin cared too much about his money to leave it lying around for thieves."

"I think you know very well it isn't," Sennet replied. "How did you do it, Viggo? It was a tidy piece of work. Nasty, too."

Viggo said nothing.

"I think you heard Sean was dead, killed the man who murdered him, and while you were at it, helped yourself to everything you could carry and hid it somewhere toward the day you run. All within a day of returning to the city."

Viggo watched him with a look of bland disinterest. Sennet suppressed a shudder. He had never gotten used to those pale eyes. Even Sean's cat-green ones had been better.

"I think we've discovered a very marketable skill here," Sennet continued.

At that, Viggo laughed. "I'm done killing for you," he answered.

"Then do it for Sean," Sennet replied turning his attention back to the meal. "Rumor has it that Rodin didn't really kill him."


Sennet's eyes snapped back up from his meal at the growl. Viggo's calm demeanor was gone.

"The rumor is that Rodin didn't actually kill him. That he thought the better revenge for the insult to his wife was to strip him of his honor and sell him. That sounds like Rodin to me. He would never have passed up an opportunity to make a profit, just because of some insult to his wife."

"Where is he?" Viggo hissed.

Sennet eyed his dangerous breakfast companion warily.

"I don't know. I don't even know if the rumors are true. But I think you could find out, if you moved in the right circles," Sennet said. "I think if I let it be known in through the right channels that the assassin who killed Rodin so neatly was available for other jobs, you could stay very busy. We'd split your earnings fifty-fifty. And you could interrogate every man of power before you slit his throat and added to your treasury."

"What makes you think any of these people would know anything about where Sean is? You said Rodin would strip him of his honor. He surely isn't working in any great house in this city."

"The rumor is Rodin sold him as a whore. I think he's their new favorite treat. And I think if you talk to enough of them, you'll find one who knows exactly where you can find him."


lotr, arena

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