I'm just going to post a link to Lauren Fairweather's The Prince's Tale. It's one of the most moving CDs I've heard in a very long time, and I legitimately cannot stop listening to it. It's a CD that goes through the chapter The Prince's Tale in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The songs switch between Snape's perspective and Lily's perspective.
The Prince's Tale is so heartachingly beautiful and has so much emotion put into it. You can really tell that Lauren completely relates to each of the characters she portrays. Not only do the songs tell the stories of Lily and Snape, they also tell our stories. Gone is pretty much the song for children who grew up in families with arguing parents. Freak, It's Real for Us, and Worst Memory are easily relateable to me and my friends when we think about our social interactions growing up. And Keep Her Safe and Harry tell the tale of unrequited, unconditional, and unrelenting love.
If there ever was a piece of art that depicted coming of age through the Harry Potter world, this CD is it.