Aug 05, 2009 00:56
Since I'm heading out to the Chicago Comic Con this weekend, I might just find a deal or two on trades (which are about all I read these days, anyway).
Can I get some recommendations for recent (the last few years) trades? I admit, I've been out of the loop when it comes to the major companies, reading webcomics mostly the last couple of years, and besides a lot of the recent multi-mega-event storylines have really left me... no, not even cold. Just wildly indifferent. As in, I don't care.
But I didn't hate "Legion of 3 Worlds" (considering my sig, wouldn't have expected to, but I was a little meh on the last few years of the Threeboot Legion), so I'm sure I missed something worthwhile in all the rampant crossover mediocrity.
So, opinions, recommendations, disagreements?
What should I look out for?
Or heck, why limit it to the last few years. Give me the best of always as well.