Farewell SciFiChannel!

Mar 16, 2009 15:37

We've had a rocky relationship, from the early, heady days of 1993, when I moved from one section of the city, to another, (not) just to get you.

I remember the quirky, weird 'News from the Future' station breaks, with the bald-headed newsguy, and the endless psychic friends commercials. I fondly remember the Sci-Fi Series Collection that introduced me to such obscure gems such as 'Moonbase 3', which are now personal favorites.

OK, recently you've gone kind of schizo, what with your 'reality' game shows and wrestling(?!). But you still had BSG, Stargate (the good one) and new darlings like Eureka.

But now you're finally admitting that mid-life crisis and getting your ear pierced (JUST the LEFT!) and coloring your hair.

It's not that SyFy is a stupid name (no comment). I understand the need to have a brand name you can, say, trademark (though maybe you should have gone for something - I dunno - classy, like SFC?) It's the lame protestations you make in announcing it. Like you are embarrassed to be seen with your (previous) viewers. We're not cool enough for you anymore.

How Skiffy!
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