Whoa my god

Sep 01, 2007 11:45



It started off with me having a dream about....well, it's hazy, except for just before. I think either it was a school trip or I had just bought something. I remember sitting at tables somewhere and there wasn't enough room, everyone wanted to sit round the same place. The teacher told us that some people needed to move, but it seemed everyone was braindead inside. I tried to look at someone behind-beside me and for some reason I could not. It's like my vision just stopped.

Anyway, between that something happened, and OH YEAH I got bought a two headed-snake, but I think it kept changing from snake to lizard, and sometimes I loved it and sometimes I was scared of it. The dream seems longer than I thought it was. I remember something about going home on a bus on an unfamiliar route, and people being scared of my pet...that or him being really dangerous.

Anyway, I end up at home on a Sunday with sunday school people playing around (mostly Gracie and her family) on the swings that no longer exist. I guess I haven't got used to the climbing frame not being there yet. Anyway, then, Gracie was swinging dangerously around the place, coming in danger of death sometimes, and some people (O'Connor kids) were going in. I thought about whether to go in through the side (garage side) or the patio bit because it's simple and quick (and I actually thought - no conservatory) but then when I got there, there WAS a conservatory and the kids were asking themselves whether to leave their stuff in it. I told them (there's not meant to be a conservatory here!) but they seemed to either ignore me or give a knowing and disagreeing look.

Well, that's when I actually literally thought "then it must be a dream" and I went into the dining room. I think the first thing I must have done was go to a door (understairs cupboard) and try to make a magical land appear behind it when I opened it. First nothing happened, then the best that happened was some paper resembling a badly created magical land appear in the cupboard, the sky not even reaching the top. I think I must have given up on it. I then tried to create food. I told the cupboard "I want a nice fat juicy hamburger" and imagined it floating in a golden light. Well, nothing at all happened. Then on the dining room table I spotted some milk on the table. For SOME reason I had a big thick glove on, stopping me from opening the milk properly, and it needed to be done quick because I could feel the dream fading. Well, I did manage to open it, and drink, and I think I tasted it a bit but not much. Anyway, I then looked at my hand (thus could have been just before my milk-drinking) because it was supposed to look weird. First it looked fine, 4 fingers, 1 thumb, but then my fingers seemed horribly short and rushed to Mummy in the kitchen and told her "I'm in a lucid dream and look at my hand!" She smiled in a nice, maybe even knowing way.

Anyway, when I felt the dream fading after drinking milk, I yelled "Increase lucidity!" and it felt like my throat was sore. Well, it did work, even though the edges did seem kinda faded. Everything on that brown kitchen table went all sharp. I ra down the corridor and saw someone talking to a guest. I pushed into the guest, but they didn't seem that mad, only annoyed. I either ran upstairs or into the living room. In the living room I, for some STRANGE reason, tried to recreate my face. Maybe this has something to do with, I think, the last LD I had, me trying to mold my face out of floating clay (I must have been at a low level now). Anyway, it was cartoony, and I gave it orders like "Mouth and nose closer together". It was very inaccurate. Anyway, I ran upstairs and kept shouting "INCREASE LUCIDITY" because I could feel the dream getting fainter and me losing it. Some stranger was on the computer and I yelled at them "I'M LUCID" and ran to my room. It was dim (only the lamp on) and I wanted to see my face and eventually go through the mirror. I yelled "INCREASE BIRHGTNESS" but nothing happened. I then remembered changing light levels is hard in dreams, and then saw myself in the mirror with a black t-shirt and glowing writing on it, like those alien t-shirts we used to have. Now, thinking back at that mirror, the possibilities of what could have been behind are mysterious and magical to me. Like that desert dream...ahh.

Anyway, after this I ran to the bathroom to try another mirror, but as soon as I got in there I woke up and the dream feeling went to the feeling I had just had before I feel asleep (the feeling of me supposed to be awake because someone woke me up). Well, I got up straight away and went to tell me mom and feed Mimi.

The thing is, I didn't remember that it was the morning or what day it was or anything. NOTE TO SELF: Remember the day and what you did yesterday as soon as you become lucid: it shall make you MORE lucid. AND, when it's fading, spin. But I don't think that'd work that well. Meh. The dream felt really long but I was asleep for like 1/2 an hour. IT has been said that the morning is the best time to have an LD, just after you wake up, to have a nap-thing. The time I almost fully WILDed was a random nap I decided to take. I fell asleep, but half-awoke and went into the hypnagogic stage.

AHH, my nails are too long and are getting in the way of typing! EUGH.
But, I just have to say that dreams really mystify me and I love their feeling. I used to write them down and the originality of the things I dreamed up with were amazing. They come with feelings and an atmosphere that you can re-feel when you think of the dream. I should use dreams for writing ideas. ANOTHER NOTE TO SELF: Write a dream-journal. In this journal. With the tag "dream"...or "dreams"

Dear god, my sister and mother are arguing AGAIN. GOD. They are always at each other's throats. They just never get along. And my sister was even crying this time. It just ANNOYS ME. I'm just in the room, probably watching TV, and they start arguing again and I just have to leave.

OK, one dream I must remind myself of is rugrat, toy dinosaur, in garden, neighbour-fence, baby bikes down path on Sunday, with conservatory, jungle plants with water. LEFT-neighbours unfriendly. Dog in their garden. This is all gibberish to everyone else. It's an extremely old dream from when I was, like, 7 or something. ANOTHER was the parallel universe dream. That was cool. And another was that...strange dream about glowing bubbles and sneaking in somewhere to save the world, in the dark. Like an elevator kind of thing, but not enclosed. And in big danger doing all this. Meh.

Dreams just make me feel all weird inside. They just fascinate me. I've never really had a boring dream because of the feeling it has. I need to restart a dream journal. Start autosuggestion and wake up a few hours before wake-time and try have an LD, either with WILDing or just MILDing. Meh. It will cheer me up at school if I have an LD and PLUS it will help with my writer's block.

lucid, dreams, dream, lucidity

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