Nov 20, 2004 13:40
i remember the time a goose bit my BllllllD when it was freezing cold out side i thought that it bout ripped it off....this was at kelly's thing this is my flashback for now.......we had to go to a parade about 30 min and i could not hardly walk at all and it sucked hairy johnson.......another flashback (and this is my favorite one)owijdsf is when i stole paper like james bond walked in with scissors jesse was my spy to keep a lookout (and he did not do a good job) and all of a sudden a lady walked up to me out of no where and said "what are you doin" i said i dont know sdofijsoieajfoisodfowedojf she said dont come back no more and eventually told jesse's mom.............the worst part about all that is jesse had the money ;oijoijio
those were the days