Title: Kings and Beggars of the World
Rating: NC-17
Author: braincloud2
Parings: Harry/Louis, ot5
Warnings: Sexual content, unexplained time-travel, and some offensive language.
Disclaimer: I don’t own. I don’t intend any offense. This is fiction.
Total Word Count: 25,000+
Summary: Harry’s on tour and he feels on top of the world-that is-until he wakes up
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And I am such a sucker for this fic, it’s ridiculous. Your characterizations! (That’s me attempting to convey admiration through the use of two word statements and exclamation points.) Harry stealing food, them singing all the time
And I absolutely adore how taken everybody are with them, how Simon and Konnie get so excited (Simon in his muted Simon way, of course), I loved it when other people witness the insanity that is the boys and don’t know if they should laugh or go hide ^^
Another thing is how clear it is that they’ve all know each other for two years. Their interactions in this fic are so real, exactly like you’d expect them to be for a group of boys that’s been best friends for years and have no boundaries with each other, or at least are breaking them down slowly but surely.
And that scene in the pizza place is the most I’ve laughed by a fic ever in any fandom. I was literally crying and trying to keep as quiet as possible because it was so late and gigglesnorting in the middle of the night is frowned upon by my flatmates. (I read this last night and came back to re-read and comment this morning.)
You have such a great way of switching between serious conversations about the situation they’re in and them just messing around and having a blast, too, and you don’t know how much I love you for always bringing it back from the angst with laughter and warm fuzzy feels because it makes me feel so light on the inside. (Actually, I think I have a crush on this fic, and that’s not weird or anything.)
And Niall, there’s a quote about that: "Sex is like pizza, even when it’s bad it’s still pretty good."
I just love how they’re falling into each other, too. How they can’t keep their hands off each other and don’t have eyes for anybody else, how their friendship is slowly molding into something else and they sort of already know, but no one says it out loud for fear that it might screw things up and with everything being such a mess, at least they have each other.
Okay, favorite line and then I’m going to stop gushing: “We were just messing about and I, all innocent and naive, tied him up.” Yeah Louis…that’s logic for you. Your Louis is perfect by the way, insane, but perfect.
So much love I can't even deal < 3
Seriously, I was reading Harry/Zayn fic earlier and then I realised you'd left this giant-amazing-ass comment, and it made me so bloody giddy I couldn't even sit still!
I'm so glad you like the characterizations because this is the first story I've ever written that's driven more by the characters and drama than plot, and definitely my first dive into writing romance, so it absolutely means so much to me, that you like it. Bloody hell. You've given me so many ideas as well! So many things to think about~
Also, trying to control Louis' dialogue works as well as a bouncy ball made of jelly.
I may have laughed really hard when you said you have a crush on this fic XD Really, that is just too kind <333
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