O-kay.... so that went well. xD

May 24, 2007 10:58

In my previsious journal entry I ranted about being active here



aaaand there goes months without me logging in once. xD But I wont give up! No way, not me!!
.... err, let's not consider the fact that I tend to give things up a lot.

Aw, hell.

I have to get up EARLY tomorrow, since we're leaving the house 6am.
Yes, you read right.

6 AM.

That's gotta be illegal or something. Gah, I'm even yawning at the mere thought.

We're going across the freakin' country to go to my moms grandfathers funeral. Second funeral I've been to this year. >.>
But still, yay, I'm going to Upsala again! ='D Will be back sunday night.

Aw, crap. Gotta stop writing before my art teacher starts naggin'....

Silly thing I drew a few days ago.

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