Personality + Backstory

Feb 25, 2010 00:51

True to her (nick)name, Shuffle’s rather random like a playlist full of genres of (almost) every variety. Though, like mp3 players, it’s all perfectly concealed in a neat, little plain ear phones. Meaning? Shuffle is rather composed and calmed on the outside, but her mood switches frequently on the inside. But this doesn’t cover much for an OC, doesn’t it? Well, let’s go more in depth with that.

Most of the time, Shuffle comes off as cold, cynical and curious. She isn’t, per say, ACTUALLY cold or heartless, but she’s actually shy and insecure of herself. Her cynical behavior can also connect with her child-like curiosity as she seems to have some sort of fascination with mortal peril, gruesome deaths/tortures and their aftermaths. Rest assure she won’t mention them if you’re very uncomfortable with them.

She views life as a big roulette machine. You could never guess what will come accurately, it’s all random and jumbled in a big repetitive spin. She seems to careless what life gives her however, she does appreciate things like family and friends, but possessions, looks and wealth? Not so much...

The last thing Shuffle would worry about is herself. She disregards her looks as nothing but colored shells to help people distinct themselves, that is all. She doesn’t label herself... Or anyone for that matter! She thinks ‘labels’ are pointless, as life is a big roulette, so are the singular people’s thoughts and personality. She’s willing to befriend someone if their personality is bearable (to her). She’d also willing to talk most people, though it’ll be more of a mono-log sooner or later.

She DOES have a cute/innocent side. As stated before, Shuffle is probably random as her name implies. She’s very weak around cute things, it’s not as extreme as I-wanna-take-you-home par, but more of a ‘I’ll-drop-to-the-floor-on-my-knees-in-shock’ kind. She’s still a girl, which meant it IS normal for her (or any other) to flail around adorable things. She’s at her mercy when seeing Shih Tzus. Especially short-haired puppy ones.

She has a habit of falling asleep almost everywhere, this includes; floors, bathrooms, classroom and most definitely her own room. But no matter how much she sleeps, she could be easily awake though it isn’t that all surprising if you find her sleeping again elsewhere. Because, generally, she’s either really lazy or that she was up all night doing god-knows-what to the computer again.

When someone irritates or angers her, don’t be surprise if your computer started playing strange music. Her tactics are merely witty words or hacking. Either way, she won’t use actual violents, unless she really ANGRY. But that -almost- never happens. There are a lot of things that make her angry, which are; people being label, inhumanity, stupidity and, well, annoying people.

Which brings her psychotic episodes. There aren’t exactly that psychotic, but it’ll leave you wondering why there are more holes in floor or why there’s a lot property damage around. If you consider her anger rare, than her psychotic episodes are like a diamond beneath a thick ocean. She actually has a forgiving nature despite being able to be psychotic.

Obviously, she doesn’t fall in love easily. She’s actually kinda ‘meh’ about the whole concept. For a good reason of course, she fell in love once; it wasn’t pretty. She now hates this feeling and would rather ignore it for everyone’s -including her’s- sake.

Though, as said before, all these colorful emotion can’t be easily shown. As she keeps her guard and makes herself look cold and heartless. Once she warms up to you however, she’ll freely show these expression and -mostly- cheerfully greet you every time she sees you. Because she cherish her friends dearly and do anything for them, no matter what it takes.

Nadia was born like any other normal girl. Born in a typical nuclear family, both parents were present, and she had a sister. There was nothing weird going in her life- nope, it was that she -herself- was odd. At a young age of 3, Nadia began to exhibit strange behavior. Her pattern of thinking was different from other children of her age. For an example, instead of building a tower of block, she tries to fit the all like a big puzzle, instead of learning the alphabet ascendant way, she memorize it descendetally. And so on, and so for. Things began to get out of hand when she was 5, no one could understand her, she had a weird sentence structure.

No one could figure in or out of Nadia’s head or how it works. Little that they realized there was only one simple solution. Music. Yes, music. With the help of her headphones, she became less and less socialized but more focus as the music flows within her head. No one knew how this actually works, really. All they know is- ‘yes, Nadia stopped being weird, just leave her in her own world, okay?’ which isn’t exactly helping. However, even for her lack of social skills, her knowledge continues to advance further than anyone in her age group in the neighborhood.

By the age of 13, she was known as ‘that random girl’. No one actually interacted with her except for her childhood friend, Adit, which is generally the reason why she’s labeled as such. As time passed, she was then known as Shuffle, both because of her headphones and her eccentric behavior around her ‘friends’. But one thing anyone would agree about anything positive about her that she’s a quick learner and -unsurprisingly- a genius. Though even through her intelligence, her social skills obviously suffers the consequences.

By the time she entered middle school, there was a man moving into her neighborhood. She never knew his name properly, but he was known as ‘Mr. Newb’ by the whole neighborhood. Not that he minded, but no one actually remembered his actual name, it was too long and complex. The thing about Mr.Newb that she liked about him is that he was a lot like her. An outsider, thinking everyone and everything differently that no one could see why they could think quicker than the average person.

Then Newb taught her hacking. She was happy that he did, she was very interested in hacking. At first, Shuffle used this to do harmless pranks like switching the teacher’s schedules and such. However once Newb found about her little pranks, she expected him tattle-tale her to do school board- But no, that didn’t happened at all, in fact he taught her how to be even more sneaky in hacking as long she promised she only used her talents when it’s necessary.

A year later, it was official. She was in love with Newb. He was only 6 years older than her, so it was alright, right? But it was that simple, Newb didn’t love her back. Newb sees her like sibling, but nothing more. She was crushed. As if her social skills weren’t worse enough, she didn’t even want to go outside. She was too afraid it would happened again.

Until one day when her parents ensure her that she needed at least to visit school for awhile and then. Even with her brains, it wasn’t enough to cover her graduation due to her absences. While walking to school, for once, something strange happens. A blue human-like monster was running around -with an albino girl in tow- being, well, insane.

This was all too much! Seriously, one minute the two was causing chaos, the next they were sitting right next to her in a small food stand offering advice. Well, the girl was, the blue chimera was slurring about bombs and twinkies, whatever they were. The girl, who’s name is Lisalina, tells her that she should just show her true self, no matter how strange that true self is.

It took her sometime to accept that truth, but in the end, she went for it. Finally, in high school she was accepted and loved by everyone. She and Adit are even in the popular crow, wow! It’s a bit sad that she never got to thank the strange pair, but she was truly thankful for what they did, even if they DID wrecked the whole neighborhood.

background, personality

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