On The Leher Report tonight there was yet another discussion about "how are the Democrats going to revitalize their party" blah-blah-blah…. Like we didn’t already have four years to do nothing but pontificate the question?? The worst part is we still have the same-ol’, same-ol’ airheads (like Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio) who say we Democrats need to reach toward the center. WHEN ARE THESE ASSHOLES GOING TO LEARN??????????
Breeeeeathe….. Breeeeeathe……
It’s amazing I haven’t died of a stroke by now, especially after this past year of … BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!
Breeeeeathe…. Breeeeeathe…. …. OMMMMMMMMMM…..
Jesse Jackson was also on, and in top form. He understands that we have to take on the red states economically, culturally and THEOLOGICALLY.
Okay. Here’s what the Democrats need to do.
First. We’ve got to get comfortable about religion. I’m a Jewish, born-again Buddhist (huh?), but I hold the teachings of Jesus better than most of the "Christians" who claim to speak on his behalf. Jesus would not be a Republican. No way. Republicans are selfish. They don’t give a flying fuck about anyone less fortunate than themselves. Of course they’re also stupid. They don’t realize that as long as there’s poverty and injustice for some, there will be more crime against them and fewer consumers to keep their stock options healthy. But Jesus wouldn’t have stock options. Maybe in Ben and Jerrys. Anyway, after the Democrats tried to make a strong case for "we have values too" all year, the Repugs then turned the tables on us and said, "yeah, okay you do have values but we have MORALS". Oy vey.
The fact is that the only Democrats who have won a presidential election in the past thirty-six years have been religious Christians from the South. Is that so difficult for the Dems to understand?
Second. WE’VE GOT TO EMBRACE OUR BASE!! How could we let the Repugs turn this election into a cultural war that assumes that Democrats are all a bunch of Chardonnay-drinking, sandal-wearing yuppies? We are the disenfranchised; the ones who always get fucked over by the wealthy corporate hounds who - need I have to say it - are Republicans! But the Democratic politicians pay no mind to the disenfranchised until election time. Even then, they’re just passing through for photo ops and "down home cooking" before they get to the BIG parties where there’s BIG money and BIG shrimp. Just think, if some of the $39 million that the Democrats spent for their convention went to catering their parties with hot dogs and soda, with the money being saved going to homeless shelters or in communities that really need that money… well, maybe the outcome would have been a little different on November 2. People want to see these politicians put their money where their mouth is. I don’t blame folks for feeling disillusioned.
Third. What did the Democrats accomplish in the four years after the stolen election to insure that every vote would be counted? Nada. It was the people who, through the miracle of the internet, rallied to get fair voting practices in this country but alas, there weren’t enough of them. Kerry conceded on that Wednesday morning with still over 100,000 ballots to be counted in Ohio and hundreds of thousands of provisional ballots still to be counted, AND countless reports of voter fraud all over the country. He promised, "EVERY VOTE WILL BE COUNTED", and he lied. He deserved to lose. But we did not deserve to lose. We MUST put forward stronger legislation that will create a uniform voting structure throughout the country that will be reliable and verifiable. It's not impossible. It works in other civilized countries.
Fourth. How the hell did a tapioca-headed, dysfunctional puppet like Dubya get re-elected? Because he’s S-T-U-P-I-D. If you don’t know what that spells, you’d vote for him too.
People want to vote for someone like themselves and let’s face it; a strong percentage of Americans are stupid. It sounds like a mean thing to say but it’s a fact. It’s actually a nicer word for what they really are. They’re the ‘wantonly ignorant’. They’re the majority of Americans who don’t read books, who at best, occasionally check out the headlines and first paragraphs of newspapers, and if they watch TV news at all, it’s mostly local news with very little if any coverage of real issues. There’s a reason that nearly a billion dollars was spent between the two parties in this campaign. Because the majority of people don’t have the interest or patience to watch or listen to in-depth coverage. The debates are no more than prolonged stump speeches because what matters to most Americans is not what is said but how it is said. Our candidates are chosen no differently than the way we choose toilet paper. Which one absorbs the most shit but still makes it smell good? Bill Clinton was a genius in that capacity. We need a candidate like that again. No more Kerrys and Gores with their sensible rhetoric, and well-meaning (ugh) sensitivity. We all know that’s a bad word. Kerry had to spend the last few weeks of his campaign shooting bunnies and wind surfing in order to make sure that everyone knew that he was mas, mas macho than Butsh. I’ve no idea what the final death toll of migrating birdies and furry woodland creatures were in this campaign, but I can imagine that the ecosystems of Texas and Massachusetts are going to be tilting a little off balance for a while. I’m not saying we have to get someone who is a crack shot with an AK-47 as a candidate. In fact, in 2008 it won’t make a difference because you just know that ‘Ahh-nowld’ is going to run, and NO ONE can out-macho him! What we need is an ex-minister, ex-football star, ex-soldier who single-handedly won at least twelve battles in Vietnam (but you know, isn’t uhh.. ‘cracked’ the way ‘poor John McCain’ was from his POW experiences), and who is reeeeally good looking (but not too good-looking; we don’t want any aids in the West Wing stirring temptation). Any ideas?