Sunrise at summit of Bac Ma, Bac Ma National Park, Viet
Nam. The profs rudely awakened us one moring at 4, and
forced us to hike 3 miles to the summit. It was grueling, but
worth it.
Summer party at Apothacary, Mike Stoan seems to always be drinking.
Crazy Kim, Nancy, me. I had fun traveling with Nancy, but I kinda
ditched her in Saigon after a month. Krazy Kim owns a bar and runs a
NFP org. which aims to stop the child sex trade in Viet Nam. And she
was definitely Krazy, with a K.
Drinkin' with Juice and Mike- some of the best people I've met while in Toronto.
Tying up garbage. Sunday market, Bangkok.
or Juuk, something on those lines. This fruit is the main reason why I
went to Viet Nam. I saw it in Scent of the Green Papaya before i left,
and had to experience it in real life. At the market none of the
vendors would sell it to me because they claimed it tasted bad. I
finally pursuaded one woman to sell it to me by paying twice the
original price. And as I was carrying it back to the hotel,
people on the street kept pointing and laughing at me. Finally a woman
selling phone cards on the street corner motioned me over and told me
that it's inedible and they use it to dye rice a bright orange for
celebrations. I had so much fun with this fruit and it was well worth
the search. The seeds kind of resemble kidneys and are covered by a
slimey blood colored flesh . AND it smells like pumpkin.
Aquarium fish for sale. Sunday Market, Bankok.