(no subject)

Oct 07, 2005 19:42

It seems our school now has a policy for us teachers to have journals as well as the students. I don't see the point (no pun intended) to keep up with our daily and personal lives, but there has to be some logic behind it.

Honestly, I think Yama-jin-sama is doing this out of spite. Most of the staff are indeed younger then him, especially Hitsuguya-kun.

The students seems to be especially resentful about this new development, since it is invading into their personal lives. So far, I don't hear anyone complaining to Ukitake and Zaraki-san.

On another note, I won't begin class until I find my music notes unlike previously planned. I suspect one of the school pranksters put it into one of the teacher's desk as their homework. That feat would indeed be difficult.
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