First lines of books quiz thing:
1. When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.
2. Mason City. To get there you follow Highway 58, going northeast out of the city, and it is a good highway and new.
3. Call me Jonah. My parents did, or nearly did.
4. Long and long ago, when Oberon was king of the fairies, there reigned over the country of Phantasmorania a monarch who had six beautiful daughters.
5. Getting started on this writing, I cut five different quills and ruined them all.
6. Mr. Dunworthy opened the door to the laboratory and his spectacles promptly steamed up.
7. "There are dragons in the twins' vegetable garden."
8. Almost as if the elements, too, mourned the death of the gentle old Harper, a southeaster blew for three days, locking even the burial barge in the safety of the Dock Cavern.
9. [name] was a man who, for his own amusement, never took up any book but the Baronetage; there he found occupation for an idle hour, and consolation in a distressed one; there his faculties were roused into admiration and respect, by contemplating the limited remnant of the earliest patents; there any unwelcome sensations, arising from domestic affairs, changed naturally into pity and contempt.
10. Miles returned to consciousness with his eyes still closed. His brain seemed to smolder with the confused embers of some fiery dream, formless and fading. He was shaken by a fearful conviction that he had been killed again, till memory and reason began to place this shredded experience.
11. We sat in a circle on Jocelyn's screened porch at dusk, drinking cold sun tea, surrounded by the smell of her twelve acres of fresh-mowed California grass.
12. The library is cool and smells like carpet, although all I can see is marble.
13. My desert island, all-time, top five most memorable split-ups, in chronological order:
14. It was there when I woke up, I swear. The feeling.
15. My father had a face that could stop a clock.
16. The bells of St Mark's were ringing changes up on the mountain when Bud skated over to the mod parlor to upgrade his skull gun.
17. One afternoon in the autumn of 1851 a solitary horseman, followed by a pack-mule, was pushing through an arid stretch of country somewhere in central New Mexico.
18. He lay flat on the brown, pine-needled floor of the forest, his chin on his folded arms, and high overhead the wind blew in the tops of the pine trees.
19. I am a botanist. I will write down the story of my life as an exercise, to provide the illusion of conversation in this place where I am now alone.
20. Looking at the sleeping child, I watch myself looking at the sleeping child, placing the dyad in a cultural context, classifying the feelings I am feeling even as I feel them.
Bonus questions:
A. Which five of these books are part of a series?
B. Which book mentions the author and title of one of the other books on the list?
C. Which five of these books have been made into movies?
D. Which book has a new movie version coming out this year?