(no subject)

Jan 25, 2010 09:01

Another Monday morning on the number eight bus. Work just doesn't appeal to me today but I feel that may just be a Monday thing.
I spent a good hour last night curled up with my wedding planner book. Reading. Highlighting. Taking notes. I finally read through the whole thing. The more I think about it the more I have a fairly decent idea of what I'm wanting to do which is comforting.
Lizen and I have been putting extra money aside not nessicarly for the wedding bu for our future in general. We are also recying all the beer bottle, cans and jars from both our houses and from the fish tale and hopefully backspace. In Oregon you get five to ten cents for a bottle. It adds up. We read about a couple that funded their whole wedding that way. I mean every little bit helps right?

Also it is offically planned for us to take a week vacation to Atlanta in may. Emily's wedding is may 14 and flux should arrive in April so it seems like a goo time to take a solid vacation.

The sun is out today. I hope i hope it stays out.
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