core: questions and contact info

Apr 01, 2010 15:34

c o n t a c t . i n f o



braidedmods at gmail dot com


braidedmods on AIM

Any questions, comments, etc, can be posted to this entry, sent via AIM or directed to our e-mail account, upon which time one of us will try to get back to you within twenty-four hours. Please note, if for some reason we've been stranded on a desert island without the internet, asking us again isn't going to get you a reply any faster.
q u e s t i o n s & a n s w e r s What are this game's "events"?
The shift of locations is Braided Fate's primary focus, as one never quite knows when or where the game will be taken. There may be location-specific events that occur, but telling you would ruin the mystery, wouldn't it? Suffice to say that the mods will do that dastardly thing about letting you know if and when it happens.

Where does the gameplay occur again?
Posts to the specific character's journals and interaction between all these posts. Logs (prose/action) are permitted; however, again, they are to be posted in the character(s) journals. Each journal entry, unless filtered, is considered visible to all other characters in the game and open for interaction.

What is this "strike" system?
The strike-based penalty system is a way of administering the game specific to instances where rules have been violated by a member. When you break a rule and a moderator addresses it (mods can respond to an infraction from up to seven days from the source event), you receive a strike that remains on your record for the next three months. Two strikes (or violations) on one rule means that you and your cast will be removed from the game. Four strikes (or violations) across the various rules will result in the same.

Why can't I put a reserve on character Y?
In the spirit of open competition, Braided Fate has chosen not to utilise a reserve system for characters to encourage everyone to apply for the characters that they want (with the exception of taken and restricted cast). This is something we may revisit at a later point, but stands.

What is this game's rating?
For all intents and purposes, Braided Fate is considered PG-13. If members choose to exceed that rating in their character's personal journals, it is up to them to correctly label any questionable content. Anything meant for adult eyes should be friends-locked and behind a livejournal cut.

core: contact info, core: faq

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