⇒Filtered to Lily
Hey, um.
Tomorrow sound good for the party? Where should we have it? Inside or out?
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⇒Filtered to Michio
Did you get all those parts assembled?
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⇒Filtered to Al
Hey, you know. I was talking with the Colonel the other day and it got me thinkin'. You know how you used the Philosopher's Stone to bring me back after I died? How long did it take you to transmute me? It couldn't have been anything but a couple of minutes after I died, for obvious reasons. I was here months before you finally arrived - why in hell did you arrive here much later than I did? Shouldn't we have arrived together? I know this place pulls people at random times during their lives, but... I-I don't know. Something just sound doesn't right about that. It was a reaction that was happening between the two of us - how did it branch off? Unless time here moves at a much slower rate than back home?
I mean, the amount of minutes it took for you to transmute me turned into the amount of months I had to wait for you to get here? Does that have to do with the Stone?
That brings me to another point that bothers me.
You said that you used the Stone to bring me back... How did it have enough power to bring me back to life and you to be full in the flesh again? We came to the conclusion that the Stone had Equivalency after all, remember? And between those two things... it just doesn't look like it adds up. A life for a life has never never been enough...
[/end filter]
I can't remember if I was supposed to fix up anything for anyone else...huh.