Nov 07, 2008 19:57
One of the best things in my life is that all I have to do is say my dogs name and she gets so excited that she wags her tail so hard it makes her butt wiggle.
I wish that it happened to people sometimes because how hilarious would that be?
"hey tim" "oh hey...why is my butt wiggling?? i dunno?? im so excited???"
I guess it's almost the same as popping boners.
I dunno about you, but I'm pretty worried about NeNe and her father. I hope it's Curtis cuz could you imagine if you thought a dude was your dad for your whole life and you only find out like years after your moms dead that he might not be? WOW
Bri saw madonna last night, so she can die a happy girl. But, because California is 51% idiot, we can't get married to celebrate. Hate mongers.
I found like 4 amazing houses today. I'm going to see them all next week and I'm pretty sure I'll finally have a sweet place to live. One of them is literally .6 miles away from my work, which is a sweet deal because I can walk every day ! I wish Tessie could come with me.That'd be super rad.
Also - Hilarious that MA residents will vote for pot but against dogs who like to run. That's what they do. They tend to like it. Now, I'm not behind the scenes at the dog races so I don't know what REALLY happens back there, but I have a hard time believing that anyone who is using something (in this case a dog) to make a profit, is going to hurt their money maker. Hell, my dad and step-mom have adopted retired greyhounds...4? times now, and still go to the tracks. Accidents happen. Dogs run in the hot/cold at their houses, too. They seem to enjoy it every time I've been. If you really want to help the cause... adopt a retired greyhound. They're the ones who have it the worst.
I'm done now - my pizza has been out of the oven for like 20 minutes and the dogs are going to eat it if I don't.
two fangers, i'm out.
oh and - YES WE DID !!!!!!!!!!!