Dec 03, 2006 19:34
Ok so, for those who dont know about 3 or so weeks ago, I was let go from my previous job which was a pain as it was a plesant enough job. And the rate of pay wasnt too bad.
Anyway I kinda had a week off were I didnt do anything but I was promptly kicked out of that when I realised I seriously lacked funds, So I started to do the whole centrelink process, joined up with a job network etc.
I decided I was going to go for a job which interested me.. So I applied for a job as a pastry/cake assistant/chef type thingy with "Shingle Inn" which is a largish chain of fancyish cafe/patiseries. I will be making/decorating single layer cakes to begin with! Which starts tonight! Its all night work which is essentally either a 9-11pm start finishing kind 4-6 depending on what time I start.. So yay!! and your all upto date :P
Appologies to those who I have neglected seeing as I have been broker then a well.. broke :P