Aug 27, 2010 04:12
Just learned my 10 dollar chair from Goodwill I got today is actually one of the 300 dollar-executive manager-posture correcting sorts. Fuck yeah sea king, no more shitty 3 dollar plastic chair for me.
I've never really used this in the manner it's meant to. I'm not really the sort to reveal my... innermost workings? Feelins, I guess you could call them. I'm not the sort to wear them on my sleeve. I keep personal things personal, that is, after all, what they are.
Of course, that may be the reason I am the way I am. I'm not well known for speaking my mind, or really anything important for that matter. Someone asked me why that was recently and I couldn't give them an answer. Spend a lot of my time just... being. It's not particularly fun being me, honestly. I don't imagine anyone that reads this could at any point in time look at me and say 'I want to be him.' Funny story too, I was in Target about a week ago, and this lady who was... on something or wasn't all there was mumbling to herself as she walked by people, saying 'I'm not you, I'm not you either, you're not me, I'm not you, I don't need this I'm not you.' and when she walked past my friend and myself, talking to another who was working at the time, she looks at me and says 'I don't want to be you.' and then says 'I'm not you.' to my friend.
I know it's a crazy lady in the store, but... really? I shouldn't take it personally, after all, crazy people don't make sense, right? Right.
I spend the majority of my time alone. I'd say... a good 80% of the time I have no one to talk to. On occasion I can go a week without actually speaking out loud. This doesn't really bother me at all either.
I'm rambling. Yeey. I know for a while I tried to make an honest effort to .. to... be more extroverted, but... it didn't work very well. Didn't really have the best crowd of people for it though, really. Two introverts don't really say anything meaningful to each other, it seems to me.
I kinda ran out of things to say. Big congratulations to Kayfig and ... and... whatever the hell your username is. You know who you are. Bit bummed you guys didn't tell me though, but... that's alright. We did kinda stop talking to each other. I remember when Kyra came to sunset and started beating on me in Mr. whats-his-face's class and when the two of you got together. Aah, good times. Things were much simpler back then. Still love you both though, keep on rockin'. Still waitin' for that book!
I always wonder if I've had any significant impact on anyone like Aryador did to Kayfig. My brain always says no.
Maybe someday I'll meet someone and be more than just a bump in the road.