The Pattern (Iraq, whee, #2)...

Apr 11, 2008 09:32

Dear LJ, it's me, Mac...

This weird thing happened to me just a little while ago.  I went to Iraq, stayed there for a year, came back to the states, stayed there for a year, and now i'm in Iraq again.  There's this pattern emerging which i can't can't help but think is doomed to repeat itself indefinitely with no consequence to what i say or do (i.e. shooting myself in the foot... or a lung).  It seems that shooting myself in the foot is exactly what got me into this pattern anyway, metaphorically.  I think that shooting it again would only exacerbate the pattern into a 3:1 Iraq to home ratio, which i would not like to happen...
      On a good note, my wife and i had our 3-year anniversary on the 9th i i've cherished every year of it, all one of them... wait, what?  Oh yeah, The Pattern.  Last year i released an album while i was over here and i've made a whopping $33.68 off of it (that's a lot compared to the $0.00 i made previously) with one customer in Canada which technically makes me an Internationally Recognized Musician.  I look forward to making another one this year, maybe a double album.  The first disc will be a collection of humorous satires featuring plenty of banjo sounds and cheesy-ass lyric work, while the second will be more dark and industrial folk-metal (oh, how will i ever muster up the angst for such a demanding endeavor).  Originally, the title was going to be Extravagant Carrion though now i'm kinda fond of The Pattern.  It almost sounds intellectual while still being really dumb...

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