(no subject)

Mar 04, 2002 09:52

*sigh* I feel really crappy today, guess staying up till the wee hours of the night are taking their toll again....atleast I won't have school tomarrow, maybe I'll get to sleep in and finally get some rest.

Well my weekend wasn't the worst I've ever had, but it wasn't exactly the best either.

Friday was good, I went to a bday party for one of the girls in my parents church....had a great time, heh I did Bon Jovi It's My Life on the Karaoke machine, my parents walked in right in the middle of my preformance and kept giving me weird looks....probably because they knew why I was singing it.....the timeing cloudn't have been better. :D

I got my hair cut saturday and got stuck in walmart during a big storm.....remind me to stay away from that place when there is a chance of rain.

Sunday pretty much sucked.....I stayed up till 4:30am talkign with metal the night before and then only got like 3 hours of sleep cause I had to get up eraly so I wouldn't miss clouds call.....well no call but I did get the house clean. But my parents cvame home and brought some renforcements from church....told afew lies to get them off my back. I hate doing it but I didn't feel like getting in a fight with them. Cloud was on that night and we got to talk for awhile He sent me "if my heart had wings" by faith hill, so that cheered me up...and I can see why it made him think of me. :)

*fills out a form to drop music history* god I hate the music department here, atleast I have fun sining and playing the piano. :)

Today has started out ok....woke up on time but I couldn't get out of bed cause I was too tired....so now my body hurts all over from being in bed too long...public speaking let out early, liek 10 min after it started. And today we are lookign at actual shading in Drawing 1, maybe now i can re do some of the peices on my side and shade them. :)

well I'm gogin to get out of here....check to see if my new book came in yet... ttyl

church, birthday, sleep, adam, school, haircut, karaoke, cloud, weekend

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