Morning haze

Feb 13, 2002 09:21

G'morning all, not much happened after I was removed from my hide away here at school. You know I think I'm turning into one of those geeks that lives at school and spends all night studying....heh, guess allot of things about me have changed. Anyway today is just like any other Wednesday, in that I mean I won't be spending it watching "That 80's show" in my underwear on the couch. As much fun as that does sound my evening will be spent at church, fun huh. Yeah I'll go to church sing all the hymns with the tone deaf people and then try not to sleep through the service while my parents poke at me. lol

*yawn* Today I'll probably stay in the art studio late and try to finish my latest assignment. It's the "5 views of one object" picture in drawing 1. I think I did pretty good on the pencil drawing but when I trace it and color it, the picture changes and loses some of the magic. Oh well, at least I still have the sketches to admire in my own time.

The only other thing planned for today would be Public Speaking, one of my few required classes this semester. I don't have to do anything in there but listen to the other students give their speeches. I have already done mine thank god. Hey speaking of that, the guy I switched time slots with owes me $5; I'll have to hit him up for that today. ^.^

eeep! I'm late for class, the boring one I might add. I'll be back at 12 with an update and some interesting stuff. heh

church, parents, school

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