Jun 03, 2005 15:12
Because I feel like it, a little bit of OOC consideration of Brady/Celeste, and Brady's feelings about the whole thing.
Brady has a bit of a virgin/slut black-and-white view of women. In large part, this is a result of inexperience. Despite his easy flirtations with women through his apprenticeship, and his sexual conquests afterwards, he has never dated, per se. He's only seduced. So he sees attractive and available women as two categories: good girls and seduceable women.
Part of the appeal of Celeste is that she falls so close to his physical ideal, while still definitely remaining a "good girl". Her figure, her features, her hair all exude sensuality and sexuality to him, but her personality and demeanor are almost childlike. Everything about her triggers Brady's alpha-male instinct to protect, and the first thing from which he tries to protect her is his own baser nature. The dichotomy of sexuality and innocence, and the fact that Celeste seems totally ignorant of it, is a very strong lure for Brady.
What does Brady want from Celeste? I think his desires, fundamentally, come down to an idea of protection and possession. He doesn't love her, there's nothing as strong as that. But while he desires her fairly strongly, he would resist the actual idea of sex; she's on a bit of a pedestal for him. He wants to give her gifts, to see her face light up. He wants her smiles to be mainly for him. She's a bit of a fixation. Given a few more dates and a bit more exposure, that will relax a bit into something much more comfortable, but right now, Brady is unfamiliar with the activity of dating and the different set of emotions it raises in comparison to prowling for booty. He's learning to deal with it.
The strangest part of it, for him, is the idea that the possession he wants must of necessity go both ways. Given the fact that apprentices are not allowed to really explore sexuality, Brady didn't have the opportunity to be a player until he was 20, and he had a lot of youthful urges to work out. The idea of leaving that off, particularly since he is both drawn to Celeste and reluctant about pursuing HER sexually, is fairly difficult for him to consider. He hasn't, yet (although he got a LOT more discreet), but he knows he will once Celeste comes back to the hall. And it's a bit uncomfortable.
So, in summary, Brady is putting Celeste on a pedestal for a few reasons. One, it makes her easier to gaze at. Two, it keeps her away from other men. Three, it makes it a bit harder for him to reach her, which helps him keep from trying to just, er, jump her.