Happy Valentine's Day! :)

Feb 13, 2013 18:31

Hi, luvs! Yes, I'm a little early wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day! I might not be on-line tomorrow so I didn't want to miss sending my lovely flist my well wishes. :) You are the BEST, you guys! *hugs*

Also, if you don't post a fanwork tomorrow for the 2013 DCU Fic/Art Chocolate Valentine's Day Challenge, hey, the rest of February is still red-white-and-pink! :) And the Late Entries Policy will allow you PLENTY of time! I'd hate to retire this Challenge next year. Bring me the luv, luvs! :)

I might not be able to post your entry notice tomorrow but will credit you with a February 14th posting if you do.

Be loved! :)

holiday, love, 2013 dcu fic/art chocolate valentine's d, flist, valentine's day, chocolate, food, challenge

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