Kinks 'N' Things

Aug 08, 2012 13:17

Hi, luvs! Life has been bizzy lately but at least productive! :) My nighttime computer time has been cut into by the Olympics but I've been keeping up by writing in my notebooks. I'm mainly working on my marvel_bang story, which typed is up to 12,000+ words with more to be typed from my notebook and at least two more chapters to be written. Apparently I can't write a Big Bang less than 20,000 words. *headdesks*

I've been still hanging out at avengerkink and keeping up fairly well with it, though I only discovered it when Round 7 opened, so I haven't even read through the first six rounds. I am caught up to Round 10, though, and two of my prompts have been filled! One was filled on the tdkr-kink meme and a fine one it was, too! This meme is a lot easier to keep up with as Avengers fandom is so much bigger than TDKR fandom. Also, avengerkink fills up 5,000 comments per round very quickly, while TDKR goes up only to 3,000, and still is on Round 1, though it's getting close to finished.

A reminder that the 2012 DCU Fic/Art Angels Challenge runs 'til the end of the year with no late entries accepted due to the long posting window (all year!). Maybe you can cross-challenge with the Halloween Challenge when I finally post that. Look for that in the next week! :)

Finally, fans of Public Enemies will delight in the scenes that Christian Bale and Marion Cotillard have together in The Dark Knight Rises. Their one scene in PE was an intense one, and they have more of the same in TDKR. Johnny would approve! ;)

Also, a tidbit that amused/delighted me a few days ago: when NBC was broadcasting the retrospective to the U.S. gymnastics team winning gold in '96 because of Kerri Struggs' courageous vault, the background music sounded familiar to me. I squeed when I realized that it was the music used in the Biograph Theater scene in Public Enemies! Good, dramatic notes to fit that story of Olympic heroism.

Guess that's all, folks! Stay cool! :)

marion cotillard, 2012 dcu fic/art halloween challenge, public enemies, christian bale, 2012 dcu fic/art angels challenge, marvel_bang, big bang, meme, challenge, holiday, halloween, pagan, the dark knight rises, the avengers, melvin purvis, billie frechette, autumn

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