Hello, luvs! I've been absent for awhile but I'm hoping to get a little more caught up today! Happily,
stops-my-bones has written a delightful Bruce/Dick tale for the
2012 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge, a late entry that was well worth the wait! :) It's wonderful characterization with some jealousy and angst thrown in, though not as gloomy as that sounds. A perfect contribution for Opening Day of The Dark Knight Rises. Enjoy!
BradyGirl_12 DCU Challenges A03 Collection Subcollection (2012) The Master List (on LJ) is
here. Here's a fic (it's pretty long) about all of the batshit insane lessons Batman has taught Robin.
Five things Batman Taught Robin (and One Thing Dick Figured out Himself)Author:
stops-my-bonesWarnings: None. If you squint, there's some shmoop at the end.
Timeline: Continuity is for the weak.
Summary: Batman has taught him everything, but he didn't raise no dummy. Dick can figure out a few things on his own.
Pairings: Robin (Dick Grayson)/Kid Flash (Wally West) for a short while, then Batman (Bruce Wayne)/Robin (Dick Grayson)
Rating: PG, maybe
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, nor do I have anything to do with DC. I'm not making any profit from this nonsense.
A/N: I'm new to this fandom, so please feel free to point out any glaring mistakes that I've made.
Unbeta'd, so any grammatical errors are mine.
Submitted to
2012 DCU Fic/Art Dick Grayson Challenge.