Title: Yellow Silk, Streaked In Scarlet (1/1)
Author: BradyGirl_12
Pairings/Characters: Bruce/Dick, Jim Gordon, Clark Kent, Barbara Gordon, Roy Harper
Categories: Angst, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Violence
Spoilers: None
Summary: Blood everywhere while Bruce slowly slides toward the abyss.
Date Of Completion: August 28, 2007
Date Of Posting:
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Comments 18
You certainly are! :)
I LOVE this story, BradyGirl! Absolutely adore it, in fact. It's beautiful and gut-wrenching and heart-breaking and just stunning. The writing is so lyrical and emotional and just...beautifully painful. Or painfully beautiful.
*blushes* Thank you, Ladybug! :)
This IS how broken I think Bruce would be if something were to happen to Dick; because if Dick had died instead of going off to become Nightwing, there would NEVER have been even the possibility of another Robin. And Batman would have become...something else. Something much darker and much more unstable. This is what you've captured here, and it is so TRUE.
Always, always, always, Bruce will lose himself without Dick. He'll be a Bat out of Hell.
The way Bruce is horrified by Dick's motionlessness is perfectly in character, and my heart broke with this line about Bruce "keeping his hands on the wound, needing to keep the blood in…", because it's all he can do and it's really about as far as he'll let ( ... )
This was so vivid and powerfully emotional; you pulled me right to the edge with Bruce. His near madness was so clear and intense.
I can't say enough how wonderful this is, it blew me away.
Wow! It seems to be my night for blushing! :) Thank you, Green Eyes!
This was so vivid and powerfully emotional; you pulled me right to the edge with Bruce. His near madness was so clear and intense.
Hopefully he'll never fall into that abyss, but at least he never will with Dick by his side.
I can't say enough how wonderful this is, it blew me away.
It's funny how ideas come. This one just popped into my head yesterday, and I finished it tonight.
I'm glad it moved you so powerfully!
Thank you, Gilda!
And, yeah, the ending was a little tricky. :)
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Thank you, dear! You've described things quite beautifully.
The drama you write puts me through the wringer and leaves me limp, exhausted, and pinioned.
I knew you were waiting for Bruce/Dick fic. Looks like you're very satisfied!
I need to go cry now.
*hugs her Silver and provides tissues, too*
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Just... wow.
*blushes* Thank you, Louise! :)
The way Arkham kept creeping up, with the promise of that gaping hole and how Robin's light was the only thing keeping it away, and the red blood, covering the colors and how that colour of blood kept being mentioned in all the heroes...
Definitely themes I wanted intertwined.
It broke my heart to read this, but that's okay, because Dick pulled through and Arkham lost.
*nods* Arkham lost...this time!
But I could have really bummed everyone out (including me!) if Arkham had won after Dick dying. For whatever reason, I never considered the tragic ending for this fic and I have no idea why.
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