Writing Goals For The Remainder Of 2010

Nov 10, 2010 00:06

Two more months left to the year! My writing goals are pretty clear for the remainder of 2010.

What will you see posted during the rest of 2010?

First, I’m going to be wrapping up my Halloween fic, mainly the remaining chapters of The House At 1313 Maple Street and Celtic Moon I: Golden Eagle. I really want to push on the latter, since I’ve only posted 2 chapters of 7! I'm getting some comments, and that always fuels the fire! :)

I’ve posted 3 of the 8 fic requests from my LJ Fourth Anniversary Fic Request Meme, and have written the first drafts for the remaining 5. Now I just need to find the time to revise and type them up! I plan on sprinkling those throughout November.

I’m busy typing up Chapter 7 of Rainbow’s Freedom (Project K Arc), which I hope to keep posting in between seasonal stuff.

I’m working on a story for my 2010 DCU Fic/Art Snow Winter Holidays Challenge, and have my assignment for svgiftxchange. And, of course, keeping my eye on the WFGE. ;)

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to fill any more claims for my dcu_freeforall tables this year, but I did reach my goal of completing one table, at least! It's my very first completed claims table! Woot! :)

And, a Bruce/Dick plot bunny keeps trying to get to the head of the line! Argh! I have so much to do, and now the Dynamic Duo getting pushy? ;) At least it’s not a long bunny!

You know, with all the RL and fannish holiday craziness, there’s just no way I could even attempt NaNoWriMo, but I figure I write thousands of words every month, anyway. :) Pity they don’t offer it after the holiday madness, though. It would be a good exercise and a nice focus to counter the post-holiday blahs.

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writing, fanfic

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