Whoo hoo! The
2010 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge trick-or-treat bag is filling up! :)
Enjoy this spooky tale of magic and covens with movieverse Clark/Bruce by
The complete Master List is
here. Title:
Through the Open DoorAuthor:
dandelionlilyPairing(s)/Character(s): Bruce/Clark, Alfred
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: some non-graphic violence, including violence against children
Music of the Spheres 'verse, set shortly after the first arc. It contains spoilers for and won't make much sense without
the first arc of Music of the Spheres.Disclaimer: I don't own anything but my computer and my mind. Please don't take my computer away; the mind's been lost for ages.
Word Count: 3,784
Summary: It seemed somehow unfair that an alien and a man of science had to deal with sorcery, of all things
Entered into
2010 DCU Fic/Art Halloween Challenge.