September was a month that saw 7 stories posted, and a pretty eclectic bunch, too!
DC Comics stories were:
Mists, a Bruce/Dick tale of shrouded fog and mystery was concluded.
Proud Eagle, a Steve/Diana story celebrating Wonder Woman’s costume before the recent change. :)
Kryptonian’s Best Friend, a story about Clark taking care of Ace while Bruce is deep undercover. Written for
hitokaji’s birthday. :)
The Patriarch And The Golden Hugger is a Bruce/Dick tale set within the huge cast of the Bat-Family, a birthday fic for
The posting of Arc the Seventh (Project K) of
Rainbow’s Freedom, the Clark/Bruce Slavefic Epic, begins.
Public Enemies stories were:
The posting of
Crystal Rain Book I: Whatever Happened To Melvin Purvis?, a Public Enemies/Shutter Island crossover, starring Mel/Johnny and Teddy/Chuck, was concluded.
Emergency! stories were:
Old Married Couple Moments I: One Cup, One Plate, One Heart, One Soul is a delightfully fluffy Roy/Johnny piece, inspired by my essay,
Old Married Couple Moments. :)
More Roy/Johnny fun!
Old Married Couple Moments II: Squad Shenanigans continues the 'momentous' occasions! :)
It Takes A Thief stories were:
The Golden Touch (Chandelier Shattered) (I) was my first story in this fandom, featuring Al Mundy and Noah Bain in an intensely dramatic story.
dcu_freeforall Challenge update:
Stories posted this month: 0
Numbers so far since I started the tables in 2009:
Steve/Diana: 13 of 15
Bruce/Dick: 10 of 15
Clark/Bruce: 14 of 15
Total: 37 of 45
Total number of all fics in September 2010: 7
Total number of all fics in 2010: 64
September Word Count: 11,068
Total 2010 Word Count: 160,134
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