August was an eclectic mix of stories from four different fandoms! :)
DC Comics stories were:
By-The-Sea VII/Silver Girls V: Popsicles!!!, a fluffy Linda/Barbara piece for
milleniumrex for my
Hurt/Comfort Fic Prompt Request.
Settings I: The Kent Farm, a new series that concentrates on the settings of the DCU. The first one focuses on Clark/Bruce. Written for my
Clark/Bruce Claim Table for the
dcu_freeforall Challenge.
Mists, a Bruce/Dick tale of shrouded fog and mystery. Written for my
Bruce/Dick Claim Table for the
dcu_freeforall Challenge.
Public Enemies stories were:
The posting of
Crystal Rain Book I: Whatever Happened To Melvin Purvis?, a Public Enemies/Shutter Island crossover, starring Mel/Johnny and Teddy/Chuck, was resumed.
By-The-Shore, a Mel/Johnny piece written for my
2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Summer Heat Challenge.
Another entry into the
2010 Guns_Fedoras Public Enemies Fic/Art Summer Heat Challenge: the Mel/Johnny/Billie tale,
American Triptych I: Down At The Ol’ Swimmin’ Hole.
Emergency! stories were:
Angel’s Tears, a Roy/Johnny story that was an exercise in my use of symbolic imagery.
Star Wars stories were:
Routine Mission, my first Han/Luke story in quite awhile! :)
dcu_freeforall Challenge update:
Stories posted this month: 2
Numbers so far since I started the tables in 2009:
Steve/Diana: 13 of 15
Bruce/Dick: 10 of 15
Clark/Bruce: 14 of 15
Total: 37 of 45
Total number of all fics in August 2010: 7
Total number of all fics in 2010: 57
August Word Count: 25,992
Total 2010 Word Count: 149,066